PSM Board Members Speak at 7th Annual San Diego Health Policy Conference, “Public-Private Partnerships in Global Health”

Tom Kubic speaking at another conference
by Safe Medicines via Flickr.
The reality that key issues in healthcare go beyond geo-
political lines is evident by challenges associated with important public
health concerns. Pandemics, human-sourced disasters, drug safety, HIV-
AIDS and TB control and treatment all represent global circumstances
that require a wide array of stakeholder efforts to effectively address.
Simultaneously, a much broader range of global health organizations have
increasingly played a role in addressing these and other international
public health needs beyond traditional public health authorities.
Foundations, international agencies outside the health realm, and the
private sector have also become key participants in creating policies and
programs in an effort to promote global public health.
Hence, the Institute of Health Law Studies (IHLS) convened the 7th Annual
San Diego Health Policy Conference, entitled “Public-Private Partnerships
in Global Health.” The conference explored different models of public-
private partnerships emerging from the expansion of global health activities
to these larger bodies of groups, and will provide lessons for participants,
providers, and policymakers as to how to best engage these entities and
systems to most effectively and efficiently advance global health.
Speakers for the conference brought their unique viewpoints and
experiences in illustrating important public-private partnerships and
lessons learned from each. The speakers included three members of the
Partnership for Safe Medicines: Thomas Kubic, President and CEO of the
Pharmaceutical Security Institute, and a former Senior Executive at the
FBI; Scott LaGanga, MBA, MPA, executive director of the Partnership for
Safe Medicines and Vice President of Alliances, Affordability and Access
at the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA);
and Bryan A. Liang, MD, PhD, JD, Shapiro Distinguished Professor and
Executive Director, Institute of Health Law Studies, California Western
School of Law; and Professor of Anesthesiology and Director, San Diego
Center for Patient Safety, University of California, San Diego School of
The event was attended by a broad array of medical, nursing, public
health, public policy, legal, military, and industry leaders from the United
States, Asia, and the European Union. The proceedings from the 7th
Annual San Diego Health Policy Conference will be published and
disseminated for broader stakeholder use.
By S. Imber