266 Online Pharmacies Are Legal



266. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) surveys the online pharmacy market quarterly. Their last survey released in January 2012 found that only 266 appear to be potentially legitimate, and only 67 actually have been accredited through the NABP’s Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites program.

Correspondingly, there are 7,230 sites that do not require a prescription before dispensing prescription only drugs. Nearly 3,850 sites offer drugs to Americans that haven’t been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, and 1,467 don’t have secure sites to protect credit card data during purchase.

The online pharmacy market is populated by many criminal organizations that put profits before people.

Don’t break the closed, secure U.S. drug supply chain.  It protects American patients from the global counterfeit drug problem.

Learn what else you don’t know about drug importation.