Naturopathic Doctor Pleads Guilty to Using Misbranded Drug on Patients

A Port Angeles, WA area naturopathic physician pleaded guilty in federal court to one count of introducing misbranded drugs into interstate commerce. Richard Marschall prescribed human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) to approximately 60 people for weight loss between February 2014 and February 2017.


Ohio Resident Charged With Selling Dietary Supplements Laced with Pharmaceuticals

Khaled Farouk Elgayar of North Olmstead, Ohio, has been charged in federal court with selling misbranded drugs, the Department of Justice (DOJ) reports. Elgayar purchased in bulk a variety of supposedly herbal supplements with names such as “African Superman,” “Hard Ten Days,” “Herb Viagra,” “libigrow,” “S.W.A.G” and “Triple PowerZEN,” for resale in the United States,…


Just A Single Counterfeit Pill Can Kill: Understanding The Fentanyl Crisis In The U.S.

Counterfeit pills containing fentanyl have been found in 40 states. Countless families grieve for the loved ones lost to the opioid epidemic. But what is fentanyl? How is it getting into the U.S.? What makes it so deadly? Who does fentanyl threaten the most and how can Americans protect themselves? The Partnership for Safe Medicines has created this infographic to answer many of the questions you may have about fentanyl and its dangers.


DEA Suspects Deadly Fake Percocet in Georgia Coming from Mexican Cartels

Source: Georgia Bureau of Investigations

Overdoes by Counties in Georgia DEA agents suspect Mexican drug cartels are behind the wave over overdoses and deaths caused by fake Percocet pills made with fentanyl analogues. The DEA is exploring possible ties between the national wave of fake pain pills laced with fentanyl and Mexican crime organizations, reports Georgia news station Alive11. DEA…


White House Opioid Crisis Commission Gives Warning

The President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis has released an interim report that strongly asserts that we, as a nation, are “in crisis.” The first recommendation from the Commission is for a national emergency to be declared. Other recommendations include…
