Award Given To Police Captain Who Stopped A Drug Counterfeiter In North Carolina

Capt. King and Secretary of State Marshall (Source: Rocky Mount Telegram)
According to the Rocky Mount Telegram, Captain Henry King of the Rocky Mount Police Police Department in North Carolina received a Certificate of Exemplary Service in December from North Carolina’s Secretary of State Elaine Marshall. The state-level award was recognition for his work to bring down a drug counterfeiter. King, who is in charge of the Criminal Investigation Division, worked along with the Secretary of State Task Force, and local officers to investigate and charge an individual suspected of trafficking counterfeit erectile dysfunction drugs..
The police allege the suspect purchased the pills from factories in China and Jordan for between $0.25 – $0.50 per pill. Small local stores in cities such as Rocky Mount, Goldsboro, and Jacksonville purchased the pills for less than $3.00 each and sold them to their customers for as much as $12 per pill. Secretary of State Marshall credited King’s investigative skills for leading to the seizure of more than 2,000 counterfeit pills.
When tested, some of the pills, which were being sold as Viagra and Cialis, were shown to contain paint. King stated that “When someone purchases counterfeit medication, they have no idea the harm it could really do. “We strive to keep the citizens of Rocky Mount safe,” King said. “Keeping fake drugs off the streets is one way we do that.”