Take action: Support Legislation To Report Social Media Drug Sellers To The DEA
The Cooper Davis Act (S.1080) would require social media platforms to report users of social media found to be selling controlled substances on their platforms to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
CURRENT STATUS: The legislation was voted out of the Senate Judiciary committee with a Manager's Amendment that did not fundamentally change the mission of the bill. It's next step is a full vote on the Senate floor. That vote is not yet scheduled.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has judged this bill to have minimal financial impact.

What You Can Do
If you have a loved one who was killed by a fake pill or tainted substance sold on social media, we have a special letter you can sign onto. If you are just a supporter of the legislation, please use Senator Marshall's Contact Us form to show your support.
If your organization wants to write your own letter of support for the bill please contact us at editors@safemedicines.org.
Policymakers at PSM's 2023 Hill Briefing discussed this legislation

Supporters of the legislation include:
Alexander Neville Foundation, Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies, American College of Emergency Physicians, Association of Federal Narcotics Agents (AFNA), Association of People Against Lethal Drugs (APALD), Collaborative for Effective Prescription Opioid Policies (CEPOP), Community Anti-Drug Coalition (CADCA), Cooper Davis Memorial Foundation, Drug Induced Homicide, Lost Voices of Fentanyl, Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse (MAPDA), National Association of Assistant U.S. Attorneys, National Fraternal Order of Police, National HIDTA Directors Association, National Narcotics Officers Association Coalition, National Sheriffs’ Association, Partnership for Safe Medicines, Snap, Inc., United States Deputy Sheriffs' Association, and Victims of Illicit Drugs (VOID).
Letter of support for family advocates
March 28, 2023
The Honorable Roger Marshall, M.D.
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
The Honorable Jeanne Shaheen
United States Senate
Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Senator Marshall and Senator Shaheen:
On behalf of families, parents, sisters, brothers, and loved ones across the country, we write to you to share our support for the Cooper Davis Act. We have all lost our children due to drug traffickers selling counterfeit medicine or contaminated substances via social media platforms. We find common cause with other families, parents, and loved ones who have experienced similar loss to develop best practices for social media companies to prevent drug trafficking on their platforms. Social media has become a comfortable and accessible way for online drug traffickers to discover and sell to new customers and, every week, we hear more stories from parents whose children were killed by counterfeit drugs sold over social media. Cooper Davis is sadly just one more story to add to the long and ever-growing list of tragedies devastating our families and communities. We appreciate and thank you for your leadership in holding social media companies accountable for what takes place on their platforms.
Drug traffickers are taking advantage of every social media platform to target our children and expand their customer base by openly and shamelessly advertising illegal products and counterfeit pills containing illicit, deadly substances, like fentanyl and methamphetamines. The Partnership for Safe Medicines tracks deaths related to fake pills marketed through social media, and has found that social media marketed counterfeit medicine has resulted in deaths in at least twenty nine states. There are many more when you take into account ongoing investigations and sales of tainted controlled substances that resulted in fatalities.
Drug traffickers are peddling these fake pills with little to no consequences. On multiple occasions, we have reported drug dealers through the social media platform’s own reporting tools, only to be blatantly ignored, if not explicitly told these users are not violating the platform’s terms of services.
Social media platforms could act today to help prevent this dangerous trend. But rather than take measures to reduce or remove drug dealers and criminal networks for abusing their platforms, these companies refuse to do anything at all. Some even delay or ignore requests from law enforcement when investigating criminal activity occurring on their platforms. The Cooper Davis Act takes steps in the right direction in holding platforms accountable by requiring them to report all illicit drug activity occurring on their sites to law enforcement, empowering law enforcement to combat the breathtaking amount of fake fentanyl-laced pills flowing into and harming our families and communities. Ensuring social media companies proactively work with law enforcement to stop these drug dealers from operating on their platforms will help save the lives of children across the country.
We thank you for your leadership on this issue and your continued efforts to protect our families and children from illicit bad actors operating on these popular platforms. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if we can be of any additional assistance in supporting this measure.
Steve Filson
Father of Jessica Filson, Forever 29
San Bernardino, California
City of San Bernardino Police Department, Ret.
Amy Neville
Mother of Alexander Neville, Forever 14 in California
San Tan Valley, Arizona
Founder, Alexander Neville Foundation
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Richard Durbin
Senator Chuck Grassley
Senator Amy Klobuchar
Dr. Rahul Gupta, Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy