PSM alerts public to criminal medicine activity on gay dating apps

Have you seen an ad offering to buy medicine like this on Grindr or any dating app?

An image of a Grindr dating app profile with a hot man with abs asking to buy medicines.



Medicine buyback schemes falsely claim to be "Buyers Clubs" making medicine available to people who cannot afford them. In reality criminals buy medicine, and sometimes empty bottles, from patients and sell them at a discount to unsuspecting pharmacies who dispense it to patient victims.

This is not a theoretical patient danger: over the past five years, hundreds of millions of dollars of HIV medicine has been diverted and counterfeited in the drug supply this way, resulting in some patients getting fake medicines. 

If you see people trying to buy medicine on dating apps, please report them to us.

Please do not sell medicine or packaging of any kind to fraudsters operating on gay dating apps or anywhere else. They are not performing a public service; they are the first step in a criminal chain that will hurt patients. If you find a profile on a dating app offering to buy medicine, please report it to the app or contact the Partnership for Safe Medicines at, by texting us at (415) 367-0067, or by filling out this web form below.

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Read the flyer about our public service announcement.

See the social media tiles we are using for the campaign.