European Parliament Votes to Strengthen Customs Powers to Seize Counterfeit Drugs In Transit

Photo Credit: Pfizer Corporation. Decision by European Parliament gives front-line customs agents the power to seize suspected counterfeit medications that cross their border even if they are in transit to a different country. The European Parliament passed a draft law making it easier for customs authorities to intercept counterfeit medications that pass in transit between…


More Education, Enforcement Needed to Protect Patients from Counterfeit Prescription Drugs

Washington, D.C. (February 27, 2014) – Marv Shepherd, President of the Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM), released the following statement on today’s hearing on counterfeit medicines held by the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. The hearing, titled “Counterfeit Drugs: Fighting Illegal Supply Chains” brought to light some disturbing trends that must…


Online Availability of Drugs in Shortage: PSM Research Looks at How Unscrupulous Vendors Exploit Shortages for Financial Gain

In Online Availability And Safety Of Drugs In Shortage: A Descriptive Study Of Internet Vendor Characteristics, Dr. Tim Mackey and Dr. Bryan Liang examined how Internet pharmaceutical vendors take advantage of known drug shortages to market unapproved and unsafe versions of these medications directly to consumers. Find out why drug shortages play into the hands…


How The Black Market Distributes Counterfeit Drugs In The U.S.

Black market medicine distributors have impacted patient health in many areas. We examined two different therapeutic areas of non-FDA approved medication infiltrating the secure U.S. drug supply chain. Learn more about the prescription drug black market and what policy makers, medical professionals, patients and consumers can do to protect the secure U.S. drug supply chain.…


What Are the Real Dangers Posed By Medicine Importation From Tier One Countries?

Take a moment to peruse “Are Tier One Countries Safe to Import Medicine From?” and teach yourself about the true dangers inherent in medicine importation. The Partnership for Safe Medicines answers the question of drug importation safety with a resource designed to make clear the real costs you incur when you purchase non-FDA approved medications from…


Have You Read The Counterfeit Drug Booklet for Policy Makers?

The Partnership has released a new version of this publication. Please consult the 2017 edition here. Download and read Counterfeit Drugs: A dangerous threat to American patients.  This resource developed by The Partnership for Safe Medicines explains the counterfeit medicines issues as they impact the U.S. Explaining the breadth of the problem, it then details the…


SAFEMEDICINES Required Reading List for Policy Makers on Counterfeit Drugs

Here is SAFEMEDICINES’ list of materials for policy makers who want to learn more about counterfeit medications in the United States.                         How do these criminals operate?  How are they brought to justice?   Watch this SAFEMEDICINES video where two experienced prosecutors from the…


Alleged Counterfeit Drug Manufacturer Charged in Quebec

An illicit drug lab operating in Longueuil, Canada was outfitted to produce thousands of pills. Alleged lab owner, Alexandre Beaudry is scheduled to appear in court on charges relating to these operations on February 20, 2014. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) reported that their Clandestine Laboratory Enforcement Team (CLET) have dismantled a counterfeit drug…


PSM Board Member Dr. Marv Shepherd Speaks with CBS News About Pharmacy Errors

When CBS Dallas reported  on prescription fulfillment errors in Texas pharmacies, they reached out to The Partnership for Safe Medicine’s Board President, Dr. Marvin D. Shepherd  to discuss the prevention of dispensing errors.  Dr. Shepherd is Director of the Center for Pharmacoeconomic Studies and Chairman of the Pharmacy Administration Division at the University of Texas…
