PSM2012 – Supply Chain Integrity: The Patient Care Interface

David Chen, Director, Pharmacy Practice Sections of the American Society of Health-system Pharmacists spoke after the morning break on Supply Chain Integrity. Chen spoke about the integrity of the drug supply chain and the stressors that create risky behaviors by consumers.  The stressors are affordability, disruptions, access and shortages, said Chen. The top three areas where…


PSM2012 – James Dinkins, Executive Associate Director of ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations

James Dinkins, Executive Associate Director of ICE's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) spoke on the risks to Americans for purchasing medications online from fake websites. Dinkins said that the counterfeit medicine industry has changed and become a global industry, exploiting the easy access of technology to take advantage of consumers. Said Dinkins, "Criminals world wide have…


PSM2012 – A Day in the Life of Illegal Online Drug Researchers

Dr. Bryan Liang, PSM Board Member, and E. Donald Shapior Distinguished Professor and Executive Director of the Institue of Health Law Studies, California Western School of Law introduced Tim K. Mackey, Alsberg Fellow for Safe Medicines.   Mackey, a doctoral student at the California Western School of Law, presented original research on Fake Online Pharmacy…


PSM Announces 2012 Guardian Award Winner

Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
 Honored for Excellence, Achievement in Fighting
Counterfeit Drug Sellers

Washington, D.C. (September 27, 2012) – The Partnership for Safe Medicines
(PSM) today announced the recipient of the Guardian Award, given annually to
the individual or organization who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in
the fight to stop counterfeit medicines.


Preview of the Interchange

The Partnership for Safe Medicines is preparing for tomorrow's Interchange by reviewing speaker presentations, preparing materials, and learning about our colleague's efforts to fight counterfeits globally.  Preparations have been made for more than 160 attendees, which include many journalists, patient safety advocates, government agencies, and law enforcement as well as both branded and generic pharmaceutical manufacturers.…


FDA Develops Hand-held Counterfeit Drug Detection Device

The US Food and Drug Administration has introduced a powerful new tool in the war against counterfeit drugs. It’s a hand-held counterfeit drug detection spectrometer that uses light to detect anomalies in drug appearance and packaging.

Called the Counterfeit Detection Device #3, or CD3, it was developed internally by the FDA, and presented at an FDA symposium by Commissioner Margaret Hamburg on September 11th, reports CNN.


Malaysian Health Ministry Says Drug Traffickers Switching from Illicit Drugs to Counterfeits

Ministry of Health Assistant Director Mazlan Ismail cites high profits and mild punishments for drug counterfeiting as the cause of this global shift as Malay government considers increasing sanctions for drug counterfeiting crime.

Malaysia’s Sun Daily spoke with Ministry officials and pharmaceutical manufacturing representatives on the occasion of “The Hard Facts Media Workshop, organized by Pzifer Asia.


Master Counterfeiter: Ran Global Drug Counterfeiting Business – Sentenced to 6.5 Years

Kevin Xu a citizen of the Peoples Republic of China was sentenced to seventy-eight months imprisonment for distributing counterfeit and misbranded drugs in the United States, on January 1th, 2009.

Xu was sentenced after being found guilty in a jury trial that took place in August 2008. Xu was indicted in 2007, as the result of an undercover investigation conducted by the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the US Food and Drug Administration Office of Criminal Investigation (FDA).

Xu described to undercover agents his ability to manufacture all manner of brand name prescription drugs, and included a list of 25 different prescription drugs he could produce, including Plavix (used for treating blood clots), Casodex (for the treatment of prostate cancer), and Tamiflu (used for the treatment of influenza) along with several other life-saving drugs.

Xu had been conducting his business throughout Europe, but the investigation that resulted in his arrest only began once he attempted to break into the United States pharmaceuticals market. The US investigation into Xu’s activities uncovered the startling volume of business that he was conducting in the United Kingdom. As a result of this discovery, massive drug recalls were declared by the UK’s Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA), and a counterfeit drug distribution ring based in the United Kingdom was apprehended.

MHRA Director of Inspection, Enforcement and Standards, Gerald Heddell, as well as FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, and OCI Director John Roth are all speaking at the 2012 Interchange on September 28, 2012.  

Learn more about the world of counterfeit drug crime and the agencies that are fighting it on behalf of patients.  Register today for your last chance to join in the conversation.


FDA Alert: Dietary Supplements Recalled Because of Undeclared Ingredients

  Dietary Supplements Mojo Nights and Mojo Nights for HerFDA Recalls via FDA Website. This is a reprint of an FDA Alert. FDA Alert: Evol Nutrition Associates, Inc./ Red Dawn Issues Voluntary Nationwide Recall of Dietary Supplements Mojo Nights and Mojo Nights for Her Because of Potential Health Risk FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – August 23,…
