Flood of Counterfeit Drugs Confiscated by European Border Officials in 2011

A new report by the European Commission identified a 9-fold increase in counterfeit drug seizures in the EU since 2010. 

In 2011, counterfeit drug enforcement in the European Union broke up counterfeit drug rings in Spain and the United Kingdom, identified fake HIV medication in the market and convicted fake asthma inhaler distributors in the UK. The new Report on EU Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights: Results At the EU Border-2011, showed “a continuous upward trend” in counterfeit medication confiscations at the border since 2010.


Instructables (2nd week), Stanford, and UNC Charlotte get Pwned!

There is a certain amount of irony in this week’s collection of pwned websites hosting fake online pharmacies. While we are a little surprised that Instructables is still hosting a site selling Xanax, and perplexed that a Criminal Justice program at UNC Charlotte would be selling Cialis without a prescription, our biggest shock was seeing…


UNODC Report Highlights Lucrative Nature of Global Counterfeit Drug Trade

“What is the real reason criminals counterfeit drugs?” As Congressman Jim Matheson said at the 2011 Partnership for Safe Medicine’s Interchange “follow the money.”

A recent report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) highlights why more counterfeit drug cases are appearing in news reports.  Organized crime makes billions each year off of drug counterfeiting, amongst their other activities.  The UNODC estimates global counterfeiting enterprises generate $250 billion (US) in annual profits.


New Zealand Citizen Pleads Guilty in US Counterfeit Drug Case

View larger map Robin Han, a citizen of New Zealand, faces up to 30 years in prison and possible $6 million fine after his guilty plea on counterfeit drug charges. US attorneys from the Central District of California prosecuted Han on charges he conducted a large scale counterfeit drug trafficking business in the United States.…


How Fake Drug Criminals Snare Consumers Online

How is technology advancing in counterfeit drug crime? Learn more at the 2012 Interchange where Timothy K. Mackey, MAS, the 2011-2012 Carl L. Alsberg, MD, Fellow for Safe Medicines will present his research,  “A Day in the Life of Illegal Online Drug Sellers.”

Counterfeit drug sellers and fake online pharmacies use sophisticated web search redirection, IP-hijacking, and search result flooding to manipulate Internet users to purchase from their online counterfeit drug sites.


SMS Verification A Growing Technique to Fight Counterfeit Drug Crime

In the global fight to combat counterfeit drug crime, simple SMS technology is leading the charge for patient safety. 

A simple and low-cost solution to drug verification problems for patients, SMS text verification empowers consumers to protect themselves from counterfeit drugs by sending a numeric code from their drug packaging from their phone for free verification.  We’ll be discussing this and other technological innovations in the counterfeit drug fight at the 2012 Interchange on September 28, 2012.


RISD, UC Irvine, and Instructables Host Fake Online Pharmacies?

Websites subjected to IP hijacking.  This week, its medicine, the arts, & DIY! July 16, 2012 Curiosity about the true state of web search redirection and IP hacking in the wild, wild west of the Internet drove us to set up a weekly search via Google for online pharmacies. The news notifications always finish up…
