Fake Botox Sickens 4, Arizona Suppliers Land in Jail

View larger map Four people who had been treated in a South Florida clinic developed Botulism poisoning as a result of injections with counterfeit Botox. Two were patients at a facility licensed as a spa called Advanced Integrated Medical Center (AIMC). The other two were Bach McComb, the owner of AIMC, and his assistant Alma…


4 Deaths Tied to Counterfeit Drugs Dispensed at Ontario, Canada Pharmacy

View larger map King West Pharmacy in Hamilton, Ontario came under scrutiny and the pharmacist of record there was arrested after 11 people died after being prescribed what turned out to be counterfeit versions of Norvasc, a Pfizer heart medication. The pills were actually made of talcum powder. Who: Ontario Regional Coroner’s Office, Royal Canadian…
