When Buying from a Fake Online Pharmacy, IRACM Wants You to know “It’s All Fake!”

A new campaign by International Institute for Research Against Counterfeit Medicines (IRACM) aims to educate patients that anyone with access to the Internet can be exposed to counterfeit drugs via fake online pharmacies. Did you realize that of 331,430 websites monitored by Legitscript, a whopping 94.3% are selling pharmaceuticals illegally? The Wild West nature of…


Counterfeit Drugs in America 101

Counterfeit Drugs in America 101: a SAFEMEDICINES Tutorial for Healthcare Provider Associations July 18, 2013. Washington DC Every month brings a new story about healthcare providers in America encountering, ordering, and in some cases delivering non-FDA-approved medications from outside the secure supply chain to patients. The safety dangers to patients are paramount, but such activities…


New Internet Domain Name .PHARMACY Will Foster Patient Safety

In light of the threat of illegal online pharmacies, the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) announced their application to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) to own and operate a secure and vetted .PHARMACY domain for licensed Internet pharmacies.

The April 2013 report from the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) illustrates the patient safety threat from illegal online pharmacies by showing that of more than 10,000 Web sites they analyzed, nearly 97% operate out of compliance with pharmacy laws and practice standards established in the US. To combat that threat, they have announced their application to ICANN for .PHARMACY, which will be available only to legally operating online pharmacies, who follow the rules and regulations in the jurisdictions in which they are based.


SafeMeds Postcards

  These oversized postcards sent to Hill staff illustrate the dangers of counterfeit drugs and the Partnership’s core principles: protect the pharmaceutical supply chain, regulate online pharmacies, and fight counterfeit drug.  We encourage you to share these postcards electronically or in printed form with your constituency.  


Tools for Pharmacists Chinese Partnership for Safe Medicines

药品打假十法 关注新闻。 我们的新闻索引列出了全球所有的相关案例。 点此链接。 订阅免费电子邮件警报。 我们的药品安全警报系统将向您的邮箱发送 FDA 伪劣药品警报网络发出的警报。 点此链接。 学会如何保护您的家人。 下载我们的快捷安全药品指南,保护家人的安全。 点此链接。 查看通过验证的网上药店列表。 世界卫生组织警告说,有半数的欺诈性网上药店销售假药。 浏览 VIPPS 列表,以免误入不良网站。 点此链接。 保护您的药店不受伪劣药品侵害。 Safemedicines.org 提供免费指南,帮助您防范、检测假药并向相关机构报告。 点此链接。 检验您识别假药的能力。 您清楚真假药品的差别吗? 请参考 FDA 档案,查看伪劣药品实例。 点此链接。 成为专家。 Safemedicines.org 拥有关于证词、研究以及更多内容的虚拟资源库。 点此链接。 如果您在支付药品款项时需要帮助,请使用安全通道。 单击此处以获得关于美国所有处方援助计划的指南。点此链接。 加入 Partnership for Safe Medicines。 您的举手之劳将令我们受益匪浅。 点此了解更多信息。 学会如何识别欺诈性网站。 您想帮助打击伪劣药品吗? 来做网络志愿者吧! 给我们写信以了解更多信息。 了解世界其他地区的情况。 浏览 safemedicines.org 的其他地区版块,查看有关此问题的全球动态。


Partnership for Safe Medicines Consumer Resources: Chinese

Partnership for Safe Medicines Consumer Resources: Chinese We are beginning to develop our resources for our Chinese audience. The following pages represent the first efforts in this area: Tools for Pharmacists 药品打假十法 Combat Counterfeits 政府和多边举措 Protect Yourself 安全药品
