About PSM
PSM and ADAP Advocacy call for more awareness about counterfeit medicines
Data recently shared in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report highlights a growing problem: Counterfeit pill availability is rising in the drug supply chain, but also the illicit drug market.
[...]Teach Your Community With These Conference Slides
Running slides between conference sessions and during breaks is a great way to fit in a little extra information. Use these slides to teach your community about counterfeit medicines in the U.S.
[...]PSM submits comment on USPTO anti-counterfeiting initiative
On August 3, the Partnership for Safe Medicines submitted comment on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Future Strategies in Anticounterfeiting and Antipiracy.
[...]Texas State Senate Passes Dangerous Foreign Drug Importation Program
With the passage of HB 25 in the Texas State Senate and Governor Abbott’s impending signature, Texas is poised to become the seventh state in the U.S. to attempt to create a program to import medicine from Canada. This policy has failed in six other states, cost taxpayers millions of dollars, and drawn opposition from the Canadian government.
[...]Protect Your Patients and Your Practice
PSM and the American Medical Women’s Association worked together on this resource, which tells physicians the basics about counterfeit medicine.
[...]PSM Response To The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA) Request For Information
PSM provided our thoughts to the US Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee when they requested input on the authorization of the Pandemic All Hazards Preparedness Act.
[...]Watch PSM’s Briefing for the 118th Congress, Washington D.C., February 28, 2023
On Tuesday, February 28, 2023, the Partnership for Safe Medicines convened pharmacists, law enforcement, policy experts and family advocates to educate legislators about key issues in the fight against counterfeit medicines. Learn more and watch the briefing here.
[...]Why won’t Canadian drug importation work?
Why won’t Canadian drug importation work? Download our factsheet: Why won’t Canadian importation work?
[...]Pandemic counterfeits demonstrate the danger of Canadian drug importation
Pandemic counterfeits demonstrate the danger of Canadian drug importation Download our factsheet Pandemic counterfeits demonstrate the danger of Canadian drug importation.
[...]What Canadians are saying about importation
What Canadians are saying about importation Download our factsheet citing Canadian opinions about importation..