Black Market Injectable Cosmetic Treatments, a Nationwide Problem

Between 2005 and 2013, there was one death and 11 other patients who required medical attention for disfigurement or serious illness as the result of receiving fake or misbranded cosmetic injectables while at a doctor’s office, clinic, or salon. Black Market Cosmetic Injectables in the U.S. 2005-2013 attempts to describe the scope of the problem.


Patient Advocates Warn of Dangers of Black Market HIV Medicines

In May 2014, the Community Access National Network (CANN) and the Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM), released a new resource for the HIV/AIDS community and their doctors. The flyers, available online and in print form, highlighted the incidence of black market HIV/AIDS medication since 2006 and offered tips for patients and physicians to ensure they are purchasing legitimate drugs from reputable sources.


PSM Releases Report on Black Market IUDs at U.S. Clinics

Between 2009 and 2014, 35 doctors in 7 states were prosecuted for exposing women to non-FDA approved IUDs. Doctors have been accused of purchasing IUDs from “Canadian” fake online pharmacies and importing untested IUDs from Mexico, then billing Medicare for the cost of genuine, FDA-approved IUDs. Over the same time period, authorities estimated that over 450 women were implanted with misbranded, black-market IUDs.


PSM Releases Overview of Unapproved Cancer Medication Cases

PSM’s Black Market Cancer Drug Cases 2007-2013 looks back through the past 6 years at the numerous cases of fake or misbranded cancer drugs that were sold by shady black market drug sellers and purchased by doctors and clinics throughout the United States. Since 2007, 16 physicians and drug distributors have been prosecuted for their…


How Did That Canadian Pharmacy Medicine Get To Me?

How Did That Canadian Web Pharmacy Medicine Get to Me?

So called “Canadian” online pharmacies pretend to sell non-Canadians price-controlled medications for citizens. Evidence collected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration questions their claim.


Counterfeit vs. Substandard Drugs

Both counterfeit drugs and substandard drugs can be harmful, but it is important to understand that they are different. When substandard medicines are found, authorities can work with the company to remove the substandard medicine and correct the problem. With counterfeit drugs, the company that manufactured them is unknown. Consumers have no assurance of what is actually in these products, no way to know how many there are, or where they are located.
