PSM Publications
PSM Releases Overview of Unapproved Cancer Medication Cases
PSM’s Black Market Cancer Drug Cases 2007-2013 looks back through the past 6 years at the numerous cases of fake or misbranded cancer drugs that were sold by shady black market drug sellers and purchased by doctors and clinics throughout the United States. Since 2007, 16 physicians and drug distributors have been prosecuted for their…
[...]Counterfeit Drug Incidents in G8 Countries
It is safe for Americans to order life-saving medicine from online pharmacies overseas? No. Like the U.S., other countries are plagued by illegal Internet pharmacies.
[...]How Did That Canadian Pharmacy Medicine Get To Me?
How Did That Canadian Web Pharmacy Medicine Get to Me?
So called “Canadian” online pharmacies pretend to sell non-Canadians price-controlled medications for citizens. Evidence collected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration questions their claim.
[...]Counterfeit vs. Substandard Drugs
Both counterfeit drugs and substandard drugs can be harmful, but it is important to understand that they are different. When substandard medicines are found, authorities can work with the company to remove the substandard medicine and correct the problem. With counterfeit drugs, the company that manufactured them is unknown. Consumers have no assurance of what is actually in these products, no way to know how many there are, or where they are located.
[...]A Risky Proposition: Opening the US to Foreign Medicines Will Put American Children at Heightened Risk
In 2011, the Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM) released a report detailing the dangers posed to American children if the secure and safe U.S. medical supply chain is opened to foreign drugs through importation.