Shepherd M*. Examination of Why Some Community Pharmacists Do Not Provide 72-Hour Emergency Prescription Drugs to Medicaid Patients When Prior Authorization Is Not Available. J Manag Care Pharm. 2013;19(7):523-33.

BACKGROUND: Existing federal law requires that a 72-hour emergency supply of a prescription drug be dispensed to Medicaid patients when prior authorization (PA) is not available and the medication is needed without delay. The pharmacist’s role is to contact prescribers and inform them that PA is needed. If the prescriber cannot be reached, the pharmacist can dispense a 72-hour emergency supply.

OBJECTIVES: To determine (a) the reasons why some community pharmacy owners/managers, staff pharmacists, and technicians are not compliant with the law; (b) how often the decision is made; and (c) estimate how often pharmacies do not dispense the 72-hour emergency supply when PA is not available.


Mackey TK, Liang BA*. Global Reach of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising Using Social Media for Illicit Online Drug Sales. J.Med Internet Res. 2013 Sept 12; 15(5):e105.


Background: Illicit or rogue Internet pharmacies are a recognized global public health threat that have been identified as utilizing various forms of online marketing and promotion, including social media.
Objective: To assess the accessibility of creating illicit no prescription direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) online pharmacy social media marketing (eDTCA2.0) and evaluate its potential global reach.


Liang BA*, Mackey TK, Lovett KM. Illegal “No Prescription” Internet Access to Narrow Therapeutic Index Drugs. Clin Ther. 2013 Apr 15; S0149-2918(13)00167-7.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Narrow therapeutic index (NTI) drugs, because of proximity of therapeutic amounts to toxic amounts, require close professional oversight, particularly when switching formulations. However, safe use may be compromised by unsupervised switching through access to online "no prescription" Web sites. OBJECTIVE: We assessed no prescription online availability of NTI drugs, using an academically published…


Chambliss W. G, Carroll W. A, Kennedy D, Shepherd M*, et al. Role of the Pharmacist in Preventing Distribution of Counterfeit Medications. In: J Am Pharm Assoc. 2012;52(2):195-199.

Abstract Objective: To provide an overview of the counterfeit medication problem and recommendations of a joint American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science and APhA Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management taskforce. Date sources: SciFinder and PubMed were searched from 1980 to March 2011 using the following keywords: counterfeit drug product, counterfeit…


Csupor D, Boros K, Dankó B, Veres K, Szendrei K, Hohmann J. Rapid identification of sibutramine in dietary supplements using a stepwise approach. Pharmazie. 2013 Jan;68(1):15-8.

Abstract Adulteration of botanical food supplements with undeclared synthetic drugs is a common problem. One of the most affected product groups are the slimming agents. There are no analytical protocols for the detection of synthetic adulterants from these products. The present study aimed at the development of a multistep analytical method for the quick and…


Hottinger M, Liang BA*. Deficiencies of the FDA in Evaluating Generic Formulations: Addressing Narrow Therapeutic Index Drugs. Am J Law Med. 2012. Forthcoming. Available at SSRN:

Abstract: Generic drugs represent a significant portion of the medical arsenal in treating disease. As copies of originator drugs, these drugs have been permitted abbreviated approval under the Hatch-Waxman law. Yet with current drive toward lowering costs focusing upon generic formulation of drugs, potential safety issues have arisen. Although there is an established criterion of…


Campbell N, Clark JP, Stecher VJ, Goldstein I. Internet-ordered viagra (sildenafil citrate) is rarely genuine. J Sex Med. 2012 Nov;9(11):2943-51. Epub 2012 Aug 27.

Abstract Introduction.  Counterfeit medication is a growing problem. This study assessed the requirement for prescription, cost, origin, and content of medications sold via the Internet and purporting to be the phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor Viagra (sildenafil citrate). Methods.  Pfizer monitored top search results for the query "buy Viagra" on the two leading Internet search engines…


Liang BA,* Mackey TK. Stem Cells, Dot-Com. Sci Transl Med. 2012 Sept 12; 4;151:151-9.

Abstract. Direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising of suspect goods and services has burgeoned because of the Internet. Despite very limited approval for use, DTC stem cell–marketed “treatments” have emerged for an array of conditions, creating global public health and safety risks. However, it remains unclear whether such use of stem cells is subject to drugs or biologics…


McCoy D, Pitsillidis A, Jordan G, et al. PharmaLeaks: understanding the business of online pharmaceutical affiliate programs. In: Security’12 Proceedings of the 21st USENIX conference on Security symposium. Pages 1-1; USENIX Assn Berkeley, CA 2012.

Abstract: Online sales of counterfeit or unauthorized products drive a robust underground advertising industry that includes email spam, "black hat" search engine optimization, forum abuse and so on. Virtually everyone has encountered enticements to purchase drugs, prescription-free, from an online "Canadian Pharmacy." However, even though such sites are clearly economically motivated, the shape of the underlying…


Nayyar GM., Breman JG, et al. Poor-quality antimalarial drugs in southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. Lancet Infect Dis. 2012 Jun; 12:6: 488-496.

Abstract Poor-quality antimalarial drugs lead to drug resistance and inadequate treatment, which pose an urgent threat to vulnerable populations and jeopardize progress and investments in combating malaria. Emergence of artemisinin resistance or tolerance in Plasmodium falciparum on the Thailand—Cambodia border makes protection of the effectiveness of the drug supply imperative. We reviewed published and unpublished…
