Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Updates His 2017 Report on the Threat of Congressional Drug Importation Proposals

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh has released an addendum to his 2017 Report on the Potential Impact of Drug Importation Proposals on U.S. Law Enforcement, concluding:

…the government has not done enough to evaluate and improve the capacity of law enforcement to deal with a new pipeline of drugs into the U.S. drug supply, all while . . . more illegal drugs are being shipped to the United States. Passing any drug importation scheme would erase the little progress we have made and set law enforcement further back on their heels.


Partnership for Safe Medicines’ Statement on New Drug Importation Bills

Washington, D.C. (January 10, 2019) – Marv Shepherd, President of the Partnership for Safe Medicines, released the following statement today in response to new legislation, the “Affordable and Safe Prescription Drug Importation Act,” and the “Safe and Affordable Drugs from Canada Act of 2019” which would allow medicines to be imported into the United States…


Thousands of Fake Pills Purchased From China Shipped To Man In New York State

The U.S. Department of Justice announced a guilty plea from a Rochester, New York man who purchased thousands of counterfeit pills from China and had them shipped to his home. U.S. Customs and Border Protection seized one package on its way to Samuel McFarland in April 2017 that contained over 3,000 pills. In January 2018, a second package contained almost as many pills was found to be headed to his home…
