How Federal Agents Caught Two Ukrainian Drug Counterfeiters

Would you fly 6,000 miles to meet with a stranger who could be your new literal partner in crime? In April 2019, two Ukrainians did just that. While they dreamed of getting their counterfeit medicines into the legitimate U.S. drug supply chain, that dream was thwarted by the hard work and perseverance of federal investigators in Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).


Statement on Litigation Challenging Legality of Administration’s Final Rule Permitting State-Sponsored Drug Importation From Canada

Today, PhRMA, The Partnership for Safe Medicines and Council for Affordable Health Coverage initiated litigation in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia challenging action by HHS and FDA permitting pharmacists and wholesalers, pursuant to state-sponsored programs, to import certain prescription drugs from Canada into the United States without drug manufacturers’ authorization or oversight.


Why We’re Suing the Federal Government to Preserve Public Health and Safety

Until September 24, 2020, every head of the Department of Health and Human Services, supported by every head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, since 2003 had refused to certify the safety of bulk drug importation from Canada.[1] This was not a partisan issue. Both Republican and Democratic administration public health leaders opposed it.…
