Concerned about safety?

Are you a Colorado citizen or healthcare professional, such as a pharmacist, who is concerned about the steps Colorado is taking to expose citizens to drugs from outside the secure supply chain? Please reach out to us at

map of colorado with pill bottle displaying a maple leaf label. The label peels back to show a poison symbol

Drug Importation in Colorado: An Overview

Current status:

On February 27, 2024, Colorado submitted an updated Canadian Drug Importation application, revising its December 5, 2022 application to the FDA to import medicine from Canada.

Read the contract with Colorado's Canadian seller, AdiraMedica (ContractAmdt #1Amdt #2), with Colorado's importer Premier Pharmaceuticals (ContractAmendment #1Amendment #2), or their recall supervisor Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Safety (ContractAmendment #1) .

How should we evaluate this program?

The program hasn't started yet so there's no way to measure whether it saved money or kept patients safe, both promises made at the time of passage. However, the 2003 Medicare Modernization Act contains requirements for safety requirements built into any such program.

Official actions and statements

Planning documents

Op-eds from the Experts

Sheriff of Larimer County, Colorado: Importing prescription drugs could be dangerous

March 23, 2019

These dangerous drugs get trafficked into Colorado and present a clear and present danger to unsuspecting citizens, who can die from simply ingesting what they think are safe medications. Importing foreign drugs would open a loophole, which increases the chance these dangerous counterfeits enter America unbeknownst to us all.

A Colorado Woman Was Seriously Ill. No One Suspected Her Imported Drugs.

February 5, 2019

In this February 4th, 2019 editorial for Colorado Politics, Denver resident Ali Schroer warns, “I experienced firsthand the dangers of counterfeit, imported drugs, and was critically ill for months as we sought to uncover the source of my illness.”