November 14th Is World Diabetes Day

November 14th is World Diabetes Day. Over 100 million American adults have been diagnosed as suffering from diabetes or have prediabetes. Remember to purchase your medications and diabetes supplies only from U.S. licensed pharmacies in order to avoid counterfeit insulin pens and test strips…


Remembering Tosh Ackerman: One of Counterfeit Medicines’ Countless Victims

Two years ago today, Tosh Ackerman of Aptos, CA passed away after taking what he thought was a legitimate prescription pill. Unfortunately, that pill was counterfeit and contained a deadly dose of fentanyl. Tosh is just one of the countless Americans killed by counterfeit medicines. Tosh’s absence is still deeply felt by his family and friends. By taking a moment to remember those we have already lost, the Partnership for Safe Medicines hopes to shine a light on the need to prevent any future deaths from counterfeit medicines. 
