Florida woman sentenced to 11 years after killing and sickening victims with illegal silicone injections

Deanna Roberts, 47, of Sanford, Florida, was sentenced to 11 years and three months in federal prison after pleading guilty to “illegally injecting persons with liquid silicone and for introducing liquid silicone that was obtained by fraud into interstate commerce.” Between April 2004 and December 2015, Roberts injected illegally obtained silicone into the hips, buttocks, and…


Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies Warns that Drug Importation Proposals Get It Wrong

The Morning Consult recently published an op-ed by Libby Baney, the Executive Director of the Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP Global), a nonprofit dedicated to addressing the growing public health threat of illegal online pharmacies. In the piece, Ms. Baney stated that drug importation proposals are not a safe or effective way to address the rising cost of prescription drugs . . .


Op-Ed: Why Drug Importation Is Flawed Policy

Mike Leavitt | March 20, 2017 With the issue of prescription drug importation being debated on Capitol Hill again, mark me in the skeptical camp. As a matter of safety and practical policymaking, drug importation simply doesn’t work. It is not by happenstance that our country has the world’s safest drug supply. Counterfeit medicines are proliferating…


California Drug Counterfeiter Sentenced to 10 Years in Jail

David Beckford was one of 5 California residents charged in a scheme to produce and sell fake Xanax from bulk medication imported from China. A Northern California Federal Court has sentenced Oakland resident David Beckford to ten years in prison after his guilty plea on counterfeit drug, money laundering, and weapons charges, The Department of…


Fake Xanax Manufacturer Sentenced to Prison in California Case

28 year old Oakland resident David Beckford has been sentenced to 10 years in prison for his role in producing and selling counterfeit Xanax pills. Beckford and his co-conspirators imported bulk medication and pill presses from China and other countries that they then turned into real-looking Xanax pills. Authorities found that he intended to put…


US Agencies Find Counterfeit Drugs a Growing Danger in 2017

The Justice Department, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) are concerned about Americans illegally purchasing prescription medicines from foreign sources. According to News Channel 10, investigations are underway to protect Americans from these potentially dangerous substances. The Justice Department has been looking at the data and as…
