Don't Let Unlicensed Pharmacies Dispense In Oklahoma!
(Don't live in Oklahoma? Write a letter to your own Senators here.)
Congress thinks letting unlicensed foreign pharmacies dispense in Oklahoma is a great money-saving idea. It's a dangerous and foolish idea.
Over 20 U.S. Senators have co-sponsored legislation that lets patients order medications from unlicensed foreign pharmacies and ship into Oklahoma. Their proposal allows unlicensed foreign fake pharmacies to dispense in Oklahoma. They aren't required to have Oklahoma pharmacy licenses, pharmacists licensed in Oklahoma. In fact, they aren't required to be licensed anywhere in the United States. (S.469)
Senators Inhofe and Lankford have not yet said they would support this bill. They need to hear from licensed pharmacists that this is dangerous to patients! This two step process is really short.
- Step 1: Enter your information for signing your letter. (We'll look up your Senators)
- Step 2: Read your letter, confirm and send!
Why does it require things like Prefix (Mr, Ms, etc) and my phone number and email address? Are you going to call me, or sell that information? Because of so much spam, Senate offices require that we collect and deliver to them information for people submitting letters such as Prefix, Phone, and Email address. We will not call you based upon the information you submit here.
The Oklahoma Pharmacists Association and the Partnership for Safe Medicines have teamed up! We want to help pharmacists speak up about the dangers to patient safety from unlicensed foreign pharmacies.
Are counterfeits a problem in Oklahoma?
Since 2015, counterfeit drugs made with fentanyl have been blamed for at least 50 deaths in Oklahoma. [Sources 1, 2, 3]
What about counterfeits of other medications?
From 2008 to 2012 a Canadian counterfeiting ring sold black market cancer medication to doctors throughout the U.S. Some batches intercepted by law enforcement before being given to patients were tested and found to have no cancer-fighting ingredient, just mold and water. Since 2012, 36 different doctors in Oklahoma have been warned about purchasing counterfeit drugs from these black market sellers who have been caught with counterfeit cancer medication.
Licensed pharmacists have never been more important than they are today.
Have Americans been hurt by unlicensed pharmacies dispensing to Americans?
You could ask the family of Betty Hunter, who received a counterfeit cancer drug and succumbed to her cancer, if they are concerned. Or the American patients at hundreds of oncology clinics who did business with the same fake drug smugglers.
What do the experts think?
Pharmacies and pharmacists are licensed to protect patient safety. When patient safety relies on the honor system, patients get hurt.