Tampa Pharmacist Speaks Out Against Florida’s Drug Importation Proposal

This editorial by Dan Fucarino was published in Florida Politics on April 1, 2019. Mr Fucarino is the owner and a pharmacist at Carrollwood Compounding Center & Pharmacy.

“The monetary rewards of Canadian prescriptions are just not worth their safety risks,” he warns. “I urge Florida legislators to listen to health care experts on this issue rather than the understandable populist appeals and vote no on this dangerous legislation — and then get back to working on more productive ways to lower drug prices for Floridians. Thousands of Americans have been injured or killed by imported prescription drugs.”


Drug Importation Claim vs. Fact At Florida Senate Subcommittee Hearing

Experts and leadership from The Partnership for Safe Medicines were in Tallahassee, Florida on Monday, March 25th for a Senate hearing on an ill-advised Canadian drug importation bill. During the hearing, our team heard many false or misleading statements about the proposal to take medicine out of the Canadian medicine supply and ship it to Florida. Here’s a fact check of the most egregious ones…


Florida House Bill 19 Would Expose Patients To Unregulated Prescription Drugs

Concerns over how much constituents pay for their medications have caused multiple states to introduce bills that would legalize drug importation. Florida’s House Bill 19 is just one example of legislators thinking that stepping outside the security of the U.S.’s drug supply chain is a smart option for their state…
