La contrefaon, toujours une tromperie et parfois un crime !

Pour l'OMS, un mdicament contrefait est "un produit dont la composition et les principes actifs ne rpondent pas aux normes scientifiques. Il est inefficace et souvent dangereux pour le patient". Or la contrefaon prend des formes trs diverses. Et elle peut concerner aussi bien des produits de marque que des produits gnriques. Il existe en…


Irish chemists crack down on dodgy drug sites

The PSI, which is the statutory body for pharmacists and pharmacies, said that the task force is intent on finding ways to combat the purchase of prescription drugs online. The move follows an investigation undertaken by the Irish Examiner in April which revealed just how easy it is to buy medicines such as Viagra and…


Woman’s sight damaged by drugs bought on Internet

Doctors have warned against buying prescription drugs on the Internet after a woman was left with severely damaged sight. The 64-year-old pensioner had been taking the oral steroid prednisolone for four years which she had bought from an online pharmaceutical company in Thailand. By JENNY HOPE10 August 2006 Read the full story at


Counterfeit lipitor found again in the United Kingdom

OTTAWA – Health Canada is informing consumers about a batch of counterfeit Lipitor (the brand name for atorvastatin) found on the market in the United Kingdom. This drug is used to treat high cholesterol. The counterfeit Lipitor has a lot number of 004405K1, with an expiration date of "11 2007." The counterfeit Lipitor was originally…


Fake Lipitor lingers in supply chain

Fake Lipitor lingers in supply chain The UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has reissued its safety warning after it was discovered that a recall in July 2005 of batch 004405K1 of Lipitor 20mg tablets had left some fake tablets with pharmacists. These tablets contain lovastatin as an active ingredient as opposed to…


UK finds further fake packs of Pfizer drug Lipitor

LONDON, July 19 (Reuters) – British authorities have found more counterfeit packs of Pfizer Inc's (PFE.N: Quote, Profile, Research) blockbuster cholesterol pill Lipitor in the legitimate supply chain, highlighting the risk posed by fake drugs, officials said on Wednesday. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency first seized fake packs of the medicine in July…


Una web india ofrece medicamentos falsificados a farmacias valencianas

Una web india ofrece medicamentos falsificados a farmacias valencianas Best Generic Pharmacy es una farmacia on line ubicada en la India. Ofrece medicamentos "genricos de marca", dice en su web , "fabricados en instalaciones certificadas por el Gobierno, que satisfacen o sobrepasan los estndares ms altos de la FDA y la OMS". Pero entre su…
