Bogus drugs could kill

Trading standards officers have warned people could end up with harmful fakes if they buy prescription drugs over the Internet. The officers have been buying drugs such as Viagra, Tamiflu, Prozac and Valium from foreign websites, but some have turned out to be bogus or contaminated. By Andrew French23 June 2006 Read the full story…


Consumers ‘playing Russian roulette’ with online drugs

Thousands of consumers are playing 'Russian roulette' with their lives by buying prescription drugs online which may be laced with poisonous chemicals, experts have warned. The Trading Standards Institute has reported a boom in such sales as people increasingly turn to the Internet to self-diagnose and medicate their ailments. 21 June 2006 Read the full…


Five arrested in fake drug raids in UK

Police swooped on a number of addresses across the UK this morning, seizing what are believed to be fake and illegal drugs and making several arrests, as part of a concerted campaign against medicine counterfeiters. Four people in London and one in West Yorkshire were arrested as a result of the raids, which uncovered caches…


Multiple arrests & counterfeit seizures

As a result of intensive investigations conducted by MHRA investigators, several addresses across the country (both residential and commercial) were today visited. Several hundred thousand pounds worth of what are believed to be counterfeit and illegal drugs were seized, including lifestyle medicines and steroids. Documentation, computers and banking records were also taken. The searches were…


Investigacin: Medicina falsificada contra la malaria circula en Sureste de Asia

Investigadores mdicos informan que una medicina falsificada contra la malaria est circulando por el sureste de Asia, y podra extenderse a frica. Un documento publicado en un informe mdico en Internet seala que un hombre, de 23 aos, en Birmania que result infectado con malaria, muri debido a que la medicina que recibi era falsificada.…


Genetic ‘Shield’ Guards Against Damaging Effects of Radiation Therapy

British researchers say they have found a way to shield healthy bone marrow cells from dangerous radiation during cancer treatments, the BBC reports. Writing in the latest issue of the Journal of Gene Medicine, scientists from Manchester University's Paterson Institute for Cancer Research say they have developed a genetic technique that stimulates bone marrow stem…


Health community calls for global action against fake medicines

A general view of the World Health Organization's (WHO) annual assembly in Geneva. Health experts have warned that governments and industry were doing more to deal with the trade in counterfeit CDs than to tackle a growing wave of potentially lethal or harmful counterfeit medicines. 26 May 2006 Read the full story at
