Posts Tagged ‘Europe’
Dutch Inspectorate warns against purchasing pharmaceuticals via internet
De Inspectie voor de Gezondheidszorg heeft vandaag aan diverse advertentie-sites, zoals en, gevraagd een waarschuwing te plaatsen, waarin de inspectie het publiek waarschuwt voor de aankoop van geneesmiddelen via internet. In de waarschuwing stelt de inspectie dat alleen geregistreerde geneesmiddelen gekocht en gebruikt mogen worden. Geneesmiddelen die zijn geregistreerd, zijn getoetst op kwaliteit,…
[...]PSF-CI en gure contre la contrefaon
(Le Quotidien du pharmacien, Les Echos – 22 mars 2007) L'association Pharmaciens sans frontires Comit international (PSF-CI), qui a annonc le transfert de son sige de Clermont-Ferrand Bordeaux, vient de lancer sa campagne d'adhsion 2007 et espre atteindre le millier d'adhrents, contre 635 en 2006. Cette anne, son action sera axe sur "le combat contre…
[...]50 suspects arrested for involvement in drug gang
Immer mehr Medikamente werden geflscht
Mobilisation nationale contre la contrefaon Une nouvelle vague publicitaire pour sensibiliser le grand public
partir du 4 mars 2007, le ministre de l'conomie, des Finances et de l'Industrie relance sa campagne de communication en partenariat avec le Comit national anti-contrefaon (Cnac) et l'Institut national de la proprit industrielle (INPI). Devenue un vritable enjeu de socit, la lutte anti-contrefaon implique une action qui s'inscrit dans la dure pour obtenir la…
[...]Internet slimming pills warning
The United Nations drug control board says a growing number of women desperate to lose weight are buying these drugs on the internet. The warnings come after the death of 21-year-old anorexic Brazilian model Ana Carolina Reston. She is believed to have been taking slimming pills and painkillers. 1 March 2007 Read the full story…
[...]INCB Warns of Counterfeit Medicines Flooding Markets
VIENNA, March 1, 2007-The Vienna-based International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) today warned that the flood of counterfeit medicines now available in many countries could have fatal consequences for consumers. In its Annual Report released today (1 March 2007), the Board also called on member States to enforce legislation to ensure that narcotic drugs and psychotropic…
[...]The dangers of fake medicines
Web supplies prescription drug addicts
Fake drugs are killing thousands
Sooner or later, most travellers to southeast Asia will eventually buy a fake. I used to have drawers of the stuff – a reproduction gold Rolex was one unfortunate purchase and I'm sure the odd counterfeit designer handbag made it home as a gift. It's tempting to view the trade as harmless. If the accessories…