Globaler Anstieg von Arzneimittelflschungen

Allein im Jahr 2005 wurden nach Angaben der Food and Drug Administration (FDA) weltweit geflschte Arzneimittel in einer Hhe von ca. 35 Mrd. Dollar gehandelt. Bis 2010 rechnet das amerikanische Center for Medicines in the Public Interest sogar mit einem Anstieg dieses Volumens auf rund 75 Mrd. Dollar. Auch Europa wird zunehmend davon betroffen.…


Poland targeted by Internet Viagra scammers

Poland has become a rather lucrative market for Internet scammers selling fake drugs using e-mail spam marketing programs. Polish people, as well as many others in Eastern Europe, are prone to purchase the fake drugs because the low cost of the drugs make them very attractive to people with low monthly incomes. Internet pharmacies in…


Fake medicines cause real concern

More than a decade has passed since the pharmaceutical industry first alerted governments, law enforcement agencies and aid organisations to the presence of counterfeit medicines in some of the world's poorest countries. Among early victims of this atrocious trade were several hundred children in Haiti, Bangladesh, India and Nigeria, who died of kidney failure after…


Manufacturers dodge EU wrath over counterfeits

European parliamentarians have come up with a long list of measures that the EU needs to take to combat counterfeit drugs, yet track and trace technologies were noticeably absent from their calls for action. In a non-binding resolution, members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have called on the EU to play a key role in…



PARIS, 8 sept 2006 (AFP) – French customs officials said Friday that they have detected 3,000 tablets of fake Viagra — the male impotence drug — in a consignment of contraband from China. Other goods found in a number of Paris stores included 16,000 toys, watches, sun-glasses and hand-bags. The total value of the haul…


The medicines that could kill millions

Imagine the outcry if 500 people in a developed country such as the US or UK died after being given a fake medicine. Then consider that in the early 1990s a similar number of children died of kidney failure in India, Haiti, Bangladesh and Nigeria after taking fake paracetamol syrup contaminated with a toxic solvent.…


Counterfeiting of medicines: MEPs want improved access to affordable medicines

In adopting a resolution on the counterfeiting of medicinal products, MEPs consider that the European Community should equip itself as a matter of urgency with the means to combat effectively illicit practices in the area of piracy and the counterfeiting of medicines. The House calls on the EU to take steps to strengthen the regulatory…
