U.S. Doctors Prosecuted for Buying Fake Cancer Medication from CanadaDrugs

The 2012 fake Avastin warnings were just the tip of the iceberg for what is now unfolding into one of the most convoluted counterfeit medication incidents that has ever been uncovered. The supply of fake cancer medication has been traced to Internet pharmacy giant CanadaDrugs and in the last year, 4 doctors have been prosecuted…


Stockton area Oncologist Pays $736,000 to Resolve False Claims Allegations Pertaining to Fake Cancer Drug Purchases

Dr. Neelesh Bangalore has agreed to pay $736,000 to resolve allegations that he improperly billed Medicare for oncology drugs he purchased from a foreign supplier. Dr. Bangalore is alleged to have purchased several different chemotherapy drugs from unlicensed foreign pharmaceutical distributor, Richards Pharma. Richards Pharma, or Warwick Healthcare Solutions was an unsanctioned pharmaceutical distributor that…


Internet Pharmacy Giant Canada Drugs Indicted on Counterfeit Drug Importation Charges

On August 7, 2015, the indictment in the case “USA v. CanadaDrugs.com Ltd. Partnership” was unsealed. The indictment was originally returned by the grand jury in November 2014. It lists 14 defendants including: Canada Drugs. Com Ltd., Partnership, Thorkelson Consulting, Ltd., 4208081 Canada, Ltd., Rockley Ventures, Ltd., Global Drug Supply, Ltd., River East Supplies, Ltd.,…


Florida Oncologist Charged With Medicare Fraud and Buying Cancer Medication from Known Counterfeit Drug Seller

Dr. Anda Norbergs was the head doctor, owner, and operator of East Lake Oncology (ELO), a cancer treatment clinic located in Palm Harbor. Beginning at around June 2009, it is alleged that she began ordering drugs from foreign distributors, including CanadaDrugs subsidiary Quality Specialty Products (QSP). The drugs she purchased included drugs from foreign businesses…


Texas Physician Pleads Guilty to Importing Cancer Medication from Supplier of Fake Avastin

On April 23, 2015, Dr. Mohamed Ayman Ghraowi pleaded guilty to charges that he and his South Texas Comprehensive Cancer Centers PLLC caused the introduction into interstate commerce of misbranded prescription cancer drugs worth more than $900,000, from CanadaDrugs subsidiary Montana Healthcare Solutions. His indictment noted that he purchased misbranded cancer drugs from Montana Healthcare…


Manteca Oncologist Pays $550,000 to Settle False Claims Act Charges Pertaining to Fake Cancer Drug Purchases

Dr. Prabhjit S. Purewal agreed to pay $550,000 to settle allegations that he improperly billed Medicare for a variety of chemotherapy drugs purchased from unlicensed foreign pharmaceutical distributor, Richards Pharma. Richards Pharma, or Warwick Healthcare Solutions was an unsanctioned pharmaceutical distributor that was a source of counterfeit Altuzan. Who: U.S. Department of Health and Human…
