Op-eds: Canadian and American regulators, law enforcement and patient advocates oppose drug importation

Since 2000, every head of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has opposed drug importation because the benefits that might be gained are far outweighed by the many dangers. Law enforcement, patient advocates, pharmacy groups, and regulators agree.

Public Health expert warns that drug importation will undermine the health of American Hispanics

Jan 18, 2018

This editorial by Dr. Yanira Cruz was published in Morning Consult on January 18, 2018. Cruz, who is the president and CEO of the National Hispanic Council on Aging and holds a doctorate in Public Health, writes that,

“For Hispanics, the notion of opening up our borders for imported drugs presents a particularly acute threat. Latino families are already afflicted with a ‘perfect storm’ of comparatively poor health and limited access to health care resources. Adding an increased threat of counterfeit – and potentially dangerous – drugs to that mix would be nothing short of devastating.”

WHO just exacerbated the counterfeit drug problem

Jan 10, 2018

In late November, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a landmark report on the global counterfeit drug epidemic. Unfortunately, the WHO glossed over a major cause of the crisis — instability in the European Union’s drug supply chain — and actually gave the European Union cover by applauding its deeply flawed approach to combating counterfeit drugs. We need a better strategy to win the war on counterfeit drugs.

Importation Will “endanger 1000s of innocent lives…in Arizona and throughout the nation,” Retired Police Commander Warns

Dec 15, 2017

According to retired Phoenix Police Commander Tim Hampton, who wrote this editorial in White Mountain Independent on December 15, 2017, legalizing drug importation will help “criminal organizations . . . exploit weaknesses in the law to traffic narcotics,” and increase the flow of counterfeit pills cut with fentanyl into the country: “The drug importation bill would weaken America’s anti-drug defenses and endanger thousands of innocent lives — here in Arizona and throughout the nation.”

Professor Warns That WHO Report Saying 10% Of Medicines Are Fake Is A Warning Sign

Dec 11, 2017

Tim Mackey, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine; a fellow at the World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Governance, Accountability and Transparency in the Pharmaceutical Sector; director of Health Care Research and Policy at the University of California, San Diego, Extension; and director of the Global Health Policy Institute. In this op-ed that appeared in STAT News, he warns that the recent report by WHO that estimates that 10% of drugs in the world is fake should be a warning sign…

Guest View: Drugs from foreign supply chains threaten Illinois patients’ safety

Nov 29, 2017

John Redmond is a former FDA official. He has more than 28 years of federal law enforcement experience, ending his law enforcement career as the Special Agent in Charge of FDA’s Chicago Field Office. In this op-ed in The State Journal-Register, he warns that drug importation will expose Americans to dangerous counterfeit medicines and illegal drugs…

The ‘Price Savings’ of Drug Importation— Unboxing the Myth

Nov 17, 2017

Wayne Winegarden and Nouran Ghana’s editorial was published in Inside Sources on November 15, 2017. In it, they take a hard look at the supposed “price savings” of drug importation and find that the promises do not live up to what would happen. They believe that Americans deserve a better solution than plundering the drug supply of a neighboring country…

Proposed Bill Could Fuel the Opioid Epidemic

Nov 13, 2017

George M. Karavetsos’ editorial was published in The Hill on October 30, 2017. George M. Karavetsos is a partner with the global law firm DLA Piper. He formerly served as the director of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Office of Criminal Investigations and chief of the Narcotics Section and the executive assistant U.S. attorney in the Southern District of Florida…

Importing drugs harms Americans’ safety: MacMenamin

Nov 2, 2017

Liz MacMenamin’s editorial was published in the Reno Gazette Journal on November 1, 2017. MacMenamin is is vice president of government affairs for the Retail Association of Nevada…

Pharmacists Association Director Warns That Prescription Importation Undermines the Fight Against Opioids

Oct 23, 2017

Oklahoma Pharmacists Association Director Debra Billingsley published an editorial on October 21, 2017 opposing drug importation proposals:

Now is not the time to allow foreign unlicensed pharmacies to start dispensing drugs into Oklahoma. It would just make it easier for drug traffickers or crooked providers to hurt our citizens.

Retail Association of Nevada Exec: drug importation puts Americans lives at risk

Oct 18, 2017

In her October 18, 2017 editorial for the Las Vegas Sun, Liz MacMenamin, vice president of government affairs for the Retail Association of Nevada, offers facts about drug importation:

Though this may appear as a simple and innocent fix to the problem of high drug prices, the reality is starkly different. Importation threatens the safety of all Americans and the security of the United States’ airtight pharmaceutical quality control system.