FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – April 26, 2023– West Sacramento, CA, Gear Isle is voluntarily recalling the following products listed in the table below to the consumer level. FDA analysis has found the products to be tainted with prescription drug ingredients.
Read MoreTruVision Health LLC is recalling the dietary supplement products listed below because they contain the unapproved dietary ingredients hordenine and/or octodrine/DMHA (1,5-Dimethylhexylamine).
Read MoreCanada resists the U.S. pilfering its drug supply. Officials warn about semaglutide sales on social media, a dangerous appetite supplement and black market cosmetic injectables. A California doctor will pay over a million for treating patients with illegally purchased drugs. More reports of tainted cough syrup, and news about fake pills made of fentanyl and other drugs in 20 states.
Read MoreA new infographic created by the Partnership for Safe Medicines and the American Medical Women’s Association educates healthcare professionals on the importance of only sourcing drugs from within the secure U.S. drug supply chain…
Read MoreThis week: A California man is among those killed by counterfeit pills at Mexican pharmacies. A 6th lawsuit was filed over pill dealers on Snapchat. Fake cancer treatments reported in the UAE, Kyrgyzstan and India. A new counterfeit drug bust in the U.K. Additional news involving counterfeit painkillers and fake Adderall in over 20 states.
Read MoreAmoxicillin shortages underscore the need to buy from licensed U.S. pharmacies. The Justice Department indicted Sinaloa cartel members. Xylazine mixed with fentanyl is an emergent threat. Another Canadian is being tried for pill trafficking. News about prosecutions, seizures and deaths relating to counterfeit prescription pills in 24 states.
Read MoreA Canadian doctor working in the U.S. will not be allowed to prescribe Canadian drugs. Washington legislators passed a law to regulate misuse of pill presses. Fake Xanax cases conclude in Wisconsin and Virginia. Crackdown on drug counterfeits in India. Mexican regulators warned about more fake drugs. News involving counterfeit pills in 23 states and the U.K..
Read MoreThe FDA approved over-the-counter Narcan. Congress is crafting legislation to regulate xylazine. A police union executive allegedly imported a fentanyl analogue and prescription pills containing controlled substances. Prosecutions, pill seizures and deaths in 16 U.S. states.
Read MorePSM provided our thoughts to the US Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions committee when they requested input on the authorization of the Pandemic All Hazards Preparedness Act.
Read MoreThe DEA warned about a sharp increase in the trafficking of fentanyl mixed with xylazine. The U.S. FDA warned to a supplement manufacturer and a website selling ivermectin to stop selling unapproved drugs. A Montana man who hid his pill press operation under a haystack has been sentenced to 16 years in prison. More news in 15 U.S. states.
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