Drug Thieves Thwarted by Tracking Devices

December 30, 2010

Armed robbers who stole three delivery trucks filled with pharmaceuticals were thwarted by tracking devices embedded within the cargo.

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Morocco Raises Fake Drug lnspections

December 29, 2010

Moroccan health officials are working with the fraud prevention departments within the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Internal Affairs to increase drug store inspections. The Health Minister, Yasmina Baddou, told parliament on November 24th that the inter-ministry cooperation will try to stop drugs being sold outside the legal market and to raise public awareness…

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Hong Kong Customs Shames Counterfeiters

December 28, 2010

The Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department has promised to crack down on fake drug sellers and publicly publish the name of pharmacies and retails who are caught with them. Thomas Lin Shun-yin, head of investigations for the Department of Intellectual Property said that while the number of raw number of fake drugs seized in…

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NAFDAC Finds Stores of Fake Antibiotics and Others

December 27, 2010

  On December 23, 2010, officials from the Nigerian National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration and Control (NAFDAC) closed down a pharmacy in Abeokuta, the largest city and capital of Ogun State in southwest Nigeria, after identifying counterfeit medicines with a handheld machine. During an unannounced and random check on pharmacies and medicine stores…

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Mobile Phone Tech Goes Global

December 27, 2010

Mobile phone based anti-counterfeiting technology initiatives have been announced in Ghana, Nigeria and India.

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Phnom Penh Reports Illegal Pharmacy Crackdown

December 24, 2010

The Cambodian Ministry of Health reported a 92% decrease in the number of illegal pharmacies nationwide and a 71% fewer unlicensed health clinics over the past year, on December 22, 2010.

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EU Regulates Internet Drug Sales

December 23, 2010

The European Union ambassadors approved an agreement to regulate medicines sold over the internet. The agreement will create regulation intended to protect legal suppliers of medicine.

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Undeclared Drug Ingredients in Fruta Planta, Pandora and RockHard Weekend

December 23, 2010

These alerts are reprinted from the FDA. RockHard Weekend, Pandora: Recall – Undeclared Drug Ingredient ISSUE: FDA notified the public that testing determined that certain lots of thesde products contain an analogue of sildenafil, an FDA-approved drug used as treatment for male Erectile Dysfunction (ED). The active drug ingredient is not listed on the label…

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Pfizer To Recall One Lot Of Lipitor In The U.S.

December 23, 2010

This is a reprint of the FDA alert. December 22, 2010 – Pfizer has announced that it intends to recall one lot—approximately 19,000 bottles—of Lipitor 40 mg tablets (atorvastatin calcium) distributed in the U.S. The recall stems from one customer report of an uncharacteristic odor related to the bottles in which these lots of Lipitor…

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Kenya Blocks Fake Drug Smuggling Route

December 23, 2010

Kenyan Ministry of Medical Services has impounded two shipments of fake drugs destined for Nairobi that had been transported from Dubai into Eldoret International Airport.

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