11% of Ghana’s Children Under 5 Die – More Can Live if Counterfeit Drugs are Reduced

November 5, 2010

Ghanaian religious leaders committed to decreasing child mortality rates decried counterfeit drug purveyors at the 8th Annual National Catholic Health Services Conference (NCHS). The 8th NCHS Annual Conference was held at the Catholic Guest House, Bolgatanga in the Upper East Region of Ghana from October 26 to 29, 2010. The theme was “Monitoring for Continuous…

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Taiwanese Health Minister Discusses Crackdown on Fake Drugs

November 4, 2010

The government in Taiwan is currently cracking down on a rapid proliferation in the trade of fake drugs, the China Post reports. Taiwanese Health Minister Yang Chih-liang said during a press conference that counterfeit drugs posed a more serious problem than drug trafficking. The government has been strongly cracking down on counterfeit drugs since March,…

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Kenya Working Hard to Curb Counterfeit Drugs

November 4, 2010

A number of health professionals in Kenya say diseases are becoming more resistant to treatments because of the prevalence of counterfeit drugs in the country. Pharmacists in the African nation said that a campaign should be started to warn consumers that the use of counterfeit drugs can lead to more resilient strands of certain diseases,…

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Doctor Pleads Guilty in Online Prescription Fraud Case, Loses License

November 3, 2010

A Grand Forks, North Dakota doctor has pled guilty on federal charges of conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance. His counsel says that he client didn’t know he was breaking the law and even paid taxes on his earnings. Authorities say Enrique Rivera Mass, 56, illegally signed off on prescriptions for nearly 1.8 million pills…

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Russian Authorities Accuse Businessman of Running Illegal Online Pharmacy and Spamming Billions

November 3, 2010

The beginning of a criminal investigation by Russian authorities in Moscow of a prominent spammer has resulted in a significant reduction in the amount of spam advertising from illegal online pharmacies, reports the New York Times. The center of the investigation, Igor A. Gusev, has been linked to the website “SpamIt”, an organization that provides…

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Report: Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Needs Evolution, Global Implementation

November 3, 2010

A new study from Cambridge Consultants details some of the challenges facing developers of anti-counterfeiting technology, according to a new white paper written in coordination with the BIO 2010 conference in Chicago. Summarizing a panel discussion between Lew Kontnik, Director of Brand Protection for Amgen, David Kent, Vice President of Global Risk at Genzyme, Andrew Emmett, director for…

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FDA Boosting Enforcement Coverage for Adulterated Products

November 2, 2010

The Food and Drug Administration Office of Regulatory Affairs has increased regulation of imported goods by 35% over the past five years, employing more than 2,000 analysts and conducting more than 100,000 analyses annually, says David Elder of the FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs.

Working cooperatively with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection and other agencies, the FDA uses a targeted, risk-based approach to electronically examine 100% of imported drug products followed by additional reviews by FDA imports personnel to ensure key compliance, says David Elder, regional operations director in the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Office of Regulatory Affairs.

Read the full interview with David Elder, as reprinted from FDA Consumer Updates under Read More below.

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Canadian Paralympian Pleads Guilty to Counterfeit Drug Charges

November 2, 2010

A Canadian Paralympic curling champion recently pleaded guilty to selling counterfeit drugs in the U.S. Jim Armstrong and his son Gregory pleaded guilty in a Seattle court to selling and dispensing counterfeit drugs with intent to mislead or defraud, reports CTV. The pair was accused of peddling phony erectile dysfunction medication. The 59-year-old allegedly attempted to…

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Liberia Establishes Anti-Counterfeit Drugs Agency

November 2, 2010

A new agency has been set up in Liberia to combat illegal trade in counterfeit drugs in the country. A representative of the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime told Voice of America that counterfeit drug crime is currently on the rise in West Africa. This puts patients at increased risk of malaria, the leading cause of…

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Kenya Creates New Regulations for Herbal Remedies

November 1, 2010

Authorities in Kenya will soon institute regulations on the operations of herbalists who sell counterfeit drugs wrongly described as herbal remedies to patients, reports Business Daily Africa. “The regulations will require that herbalists register their medicines and that those medicines have to go for laboratory analysis,” Edward Abwao – assistant chief pharmacist at the Pharmacy and…

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