Texas eBay Seller Recalls Diet Supplements Containing Banned Sibutramine

August 11, 2021

Am eBay seller is voluntarily recalling all lots of Hydro Pineapple Burn to consumer level because FDA analysis has found the product to contain undeclared sibutramine, an appetite suppressant that was withdrawn from the market because of safety issues.

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California Boutique Recalls Diet Supplements For Containing Banned Sibutramine

August 10, 2021

Je Dois L’avoir Boutique is voluntarily recalling all of the 365 Skinny High Intensity Pills and or 365 Skinny Emergency Boutique, 30 day capsules supply to the retail/consumer level. The 365 Skinny High Intensity Pills and 365 Skinny Emergency Boutique have been found to contain Sibutramine which is a controlled substance by the DEA.

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August 9, 2021: Save Me Magnets!

August 9, 2021

There are a lot of ineffective and ridiculous #covidscams out in the world, but this particular scam the FDA found that offers to “cure” COVID-19 with magnets takes the cake. Watch “Save Me Magnets!” to learn about this and other harebrained scams. If you need protection from COVID-19, it’s FREE! Text your zip code to 438829 to find out the nearest place for you to get a free vaccine.

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August 9, 2021: Counterfeit HIV treatments reach U.S. pharmacies

August 9, 2021

Gilead Sciences reports that unauthorized distributors have been selling counterfeit versions of its HIV treatments, Biktarvy and Descovy, to U.S. pharmacies. It’s the second case of counterfeit HIV medicine reaching U.S. pharmacies in the last 12 months.

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Counterfeit HIV Drug Alert: Gilead Warns of Fake Versions of Biktarvy and Descovy Sold to U.S. Pharmacies

August 5, 2021

Gilead has alerted potentially impacted pharmacies to investigate the potential for counterfeit or tampered Gilead medication sold by distributors not authorized by Gilead that may be within their recent supply and to remain vigilant to the potential for this to occur in the future. The authenticity and safety of Gilead-branded medicines can only be secure when obtained directly through Gilead’s authorized distributors.

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August 2, 2021: Reps introduce bill to speed synthetic analogue scheduling

August 2, 2021

HR 4459, the Stop the Importation and Manufacturing of Synthetic Analogues (SIMSA) Act of 2021 would amend the Controlled Substances Act to “result in faster control of drugs designed to be used in the same illicit manner as already regulated or outlawed drugs.” Catch up on this and more than 30 more counterfeit medicine news stories.

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Federal officials are busting doctors for COVID scams

July 31, 2021

Homeland Security Investigations’ Operation Stolen Promise has declared that its second year will focus on on fake treatments and vaccine fraud. That’s good, because this kind of fraud is pervasive, and it’s even coming from trusted sources like doctors. Learn about two recent federal cases here.

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July 26, 2021: Federal authorities in Maryland seize fake Walmart site selling unapproved COVID cures.

July 27, 2021

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Maryland seized two websites that tried to mimic legitimate Walmart websites, and claimed to sell drugs that treat or prevent COVID-19. Read this and 15 more stories in the world of fake medicine.

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Parents & PSM to the press: these deaths are poisonings

July 21, 2021

In May, New Orleans-based WWL TV covered the death of a high school senior who was killed by a fake prescription pill made with fentanyl just days before her graduation. Getting news out about these pills is incredibly important but so is accuracy. PSM and a group of parents wrote the station to point out the danger of describing these deaths as overdoses rather than poisoning.

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Partnership for Safe Medicines Statement on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Drug Death Totals for 2020

July 21, 2021

Shabbir Safdar, executive director of the Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM), released this statement in response to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) preliminary statistics for the number of Americans whose deaths in 2020 involved drugs

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