8,000 Counterfeit Pills Made with Fentanyl Seized in Arizona

June 1, 2018

The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office recently concluded an investigation that began in early 2018, ended with the arrest of Octavio Gutierrez-Hernandez and Jorge Bazan, and 8,000 counterfeit fentanyl pills taken off the streets…

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Drug Importation Isn’t Safe and It Doesn’t Make Economic Sense, Says PSM President

May 31, 2018

In this May 31, 2018 editorial for The Daily Caller, pharmacoeconomic expert Dr. Marv Shepherd explains the concrete reasons why the importation of drugs from other countries as a means to lowering prices in the U.S. is both unsafe and economically unsound.

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Eight Sued By City Of Los Angeles For Allegedly Selling Fake Medicines

May 31, 2018

The city of Los Angeles is continuing its fight against illegal and counterfeit medicines being sold in stores in the area. This investigation brought in over 430,000 illicit doses of fake medicines and saw three lawsuits filed against eight people…

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Three Year Sentence Given To Georgia Woman For Selling Counterfeit Pain Pills

May 30, 2018

The DOJ announced that Cathine Lavina Sellers of Roswell, Georgia received a three year prison sentence after she pleaded guilty in court earlier this year to selling counterfeit pills that contained fentanyl, furanyl-fentanyl, and U-47700…

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1,500 Counterfeit Fentanyl Pills Netted in Ohio Bust

May 25, 2018

The DOJ indicted three residents of Ohio after they were caught with 1,500 counterfeit oxycodone pills that were made with fentanyl. Gerald Bowerman, Emmet Nelson, and Cortney Williams had just returned from allegedly picking up a new batch of fake pills in Kentucky…

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Partnership For Safe Medicines Urges Passage of the STOP Act to Increase Inspections for Dangerous Synthetic Opioids

May 24, 2018

Partnership For Safe Medicines Urges Passage of the STOP Act to Increase Inspections for Dangerous Synthetic Opioids Legislation will increase surveillance of primary smuggling route for fentanyl WASHINGTON (May 24, 2018) – The Partnership for Safe Medicines (PSM) today urged passage of the Synthetics Trafficking and Overdose Prevention Act of 2017 (S.372), also known as…

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Recent Stories Of Counterfeit Pills From Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida

May 22, 2018

Three recent stories – from Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida – show the counterfeit pain and anti-anxiety pills are still a major danger to residents along the Gulf Coast…

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Counterfeit Pills Still Being Found Despite DEA Successes In Seizing Precursor Ingredients

May 18, 2018

Three news stories recently out of Arizona show that despite the DEA taking over 120,000 counterfeit fentanyl pills off the streets in 2017, police keep finding more and seizures of a precursor chemical needed to produce fentanyl are up…

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Counterfeit Fentanyl Pills Harming Iowa Residents

May 17, 2018

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Iowa issued a warning to residents about counterfeit pills made with fentanyl being sold on the streets around the state. Shortly after this announcement, the DOJ announced guilty pleas from two Waverly residents charged with selling counterfeit pills made with carfentanil and cyclopropyl fentanyl that they purchased off the Internet…

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Wholesale Drug Importation From Canada Won’t Lower Prices, But Will Increase Health Risks Says Vermonter

May 16, 2018

By approving the wholesale reimportation of U.S. prescription drugs from Canada, the Vermont Legislature passed an illegal measure that will not lower drug prices. Instead, it will subject Vermonters to public health risks and new taxes to defray an inevitable federal lawsuit.

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