Large-Scale Counterfeit Fentanyl Pill Press Operation Found In Akron, Ohio Home

The U.S. Department of Justice announced charges against an Akron, Ohio resident after a search of his home turned up items “consistent with a large-scale pill press operation.” Donyea Nelson received a nine-count indictment in federal court, which included charges for possession of fentanyl, possession of a pill press, and possession of die molds…



Counterfeit pills and intravenous and injectable medications have injured and even killed Ohio patients. Download our March 2020 PDF Download our information sheet about counterfeit drug incidents in Ohio and consult our updates below. State incident summaries July – December 2022 Counterfeit News in OhioDuo faces up to life in prison in $9.5 million fentanyl…


Officials Warn That Fake Oxycodone Fentanyl Pills Are Popping Up In Northeast Ohio

Officials in Lake County, Ohio warned the public about counterfeit oxycodone pills being sold on the streets of northeastern part of the state have tested positive for both fentanyl and carfentanil. They said that any pill bought off the street could be a deadly fake and to only trust pills purchased at U.S. licensed pharmacies…


1,500 Counterfeit Fentanyl Pills Netted in Ohio Bust

The DOJ indicted three residents of Ohio after they were caught with 1,500 counterfeit oxycodone pills that were made with fentanyl. Gerald Bowerman, Emmet Nelson, and Cortney Williams had just returned from allegedly picking up a new batch of fake pills in Kentucky…


Ohio Pharmacists Association Concerned About Fentanyl Pills Being Sold On The Streets

The state of Ohio has been hard hit by the opioid epidemic. It is one of 43 states in which PSM has documented finding counterfeit fentanyl pills and is also one of 22 states in which someone had died from taking one of these pills. Now, the executive director of the Ohio Pharmacists Association and the Ohio Attorney General have both spoken out about the dangers these fake pills pose to everyone…
