Other countries, even advanced countries like Canada, don’t provide the same level of protection. From April 2016 to March 2017, Canadian agents discovered more than 5,500 packages of counterfeit drugs in their midst. Loosening importation restrictions would expose American patients to potentially deadly counterfeit pills.
Read MoreA Phoenix area man has been sentenced to 3 years in prison for transporting thousands of fentanyl-laced pills into Arizona.
Read MoreNetflix DEA NARCOS agents Javier Pena (DEA Special Agent (Ret.) and Steve Murphy (DEA Special Agent (Ret.) describe the growing nexus between illicit drug traffickers and counterfeit medicines.
Read MoreShort updates on two major fentanyl counterfeit pill ring cases. One case in Texas looks to have one of the fourteen defendants taking a plea while the second case in Utah sees a jury trial date set for Aaron Shamo, the alleged drug ring leader that shipped counterfeit pills containing fentanyl all across the U.S…
Read MoreMost people in the U.S. live in states where their pharmacists are barred from letting them know that they could save money by paying cash instead of their insurance’s co-payment. Federal and state legislators are looking to change that…
Read MoreU.S. Department of Justice announced two new cases. One is against a PA couple for manufacturing and selling counterfeit prescription pills made with heroin. The second case is against an OH couple charged with running a drug ring that imported and sold fentanyl and carfentanil in the Akron area…
Read MoreMassachusetts man sentenced to two years in prison for his role in a scheme to import and distribute misbranded and counterfeit drugs. Harry Aliengena acted as a middleman, received shipments of fake drugs, and sent them onto customer across the U.S…
Read MoreArticles about counterfeit Xanax are coming in from all across the United States. PSM has taken a quick look at four recent stories out of North Carolina, Massachusetts, Texas, and California…
Read MoreThe trio of residents from Chipley, Florida that had plead guilty to counterfeit drug and illicit steroid charges have been sentenced, the Department of Justice (DOJ) reports.
Read MoreThe Georgia Bureau of Investigation issued a public safety alert on February 11, 2018 about the high volume of counterfeit pills made with fentanyl and other illicit opioids that have been found in Metro Atlanta. Since January 2015, there have been 450 reports of counterfeit pills. The most commonly counterfeited pills were Xanax and oxycodone that contained substances such as fentanyl, furanyl fentanyl, and U-47700.
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