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Just A Single Counterfeit Pill Can Kill: Understanding The Fentanyl Crisis In The U.S.

August 4, 2017
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Counterfeit pills containing fentanyl have been found in 40 states. Countless families grieve for the loved ones lost to the opioid epidemic. But what is fentanyl? How is it getting into the U.S.? What makes it so deadly? Who does fentanyl threaten the most and how can Americans protect themselves? The Partnership for Safe Medicines has created this infographic to answer many of the questions you may have about fentanyl and its dangers.

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Source: Georgia Bureau of Investigations

DEA Suspects Deadly Fake Percocet in Georgia Coming from Mexican Cartels

August 3, 2017
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DEA agents suspect Mexican drug cartels are behind the wave over overdoses and deaths caused by fake Percocet pills made with fentanyl analogues. The DEA is exploring possible ties between the national wave of fake pain pills laced with fentanyl and Mexican crime organizations, reports Georgia news station Alive11. DEA Special Agent Dan Salter told Alive11, “There is a concerted…

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You Can Safely Purchase Pet Meds Online and Help Homeless Animals at the Same Time

August 2, 2017
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The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) awarded PetRescueRX, the nation’s only online pet pharmacy that donates 100% of their profits to animal shelters and nonprofit rescue groups, a .pharmacy domain.

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White House Opioid Crisis Commission Gives Warning

August 1, 2017
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The President’s Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis has released an interim report that strongly asserts that we, as a nation, are “in crisis.” The first recommendation from the Commission is for a national emergency to be declared. Other recommendations include…

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National Sheriffs’ Association Opposes Legislation On Drug Importation

July 31, 2017
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The National Sheriffs’ Association passed a resolution at their conference opposing pending drug importation proposals. The resolution highlighted multiple reasons why drug importation is a bad idea for everyone…

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Best Advice from Consumer Reports to Reduce Your Healthcare Expense

July 31, 2017
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The Washington Post recently highlighted some of Consumer Reports’ best strategies to help you lower your healthcare cost. Advice covered a range of topics including getting savvy when it comes to medication, making sure you save at the doctor’s office and hospital, being wise about billing and embracing a healthy lifestyle…

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Kansas Woman Convicted of Tax Evasion Also Faces Counterfeit Drug Charges

July 28, 2017
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The former owner of a Leawood, Kansas business, Midwest Medical Aesthetics, has been charged with importation of misbranded drugs. Kathleen Stegman has been charged with illegally importing $194,000 worth of non-FDA approved “Botox,” Dysport,” “Restylane,” “Perlane,” and “Sculptra,” according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Stegman is currently serving 51 months in prison after being convicted of tax evasion…

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Don’t let unlicensed pharmacies dispense in Illinois!

July 26, 2017

Don’t let unlicensed pharmacies dispense in Illinois! (Don’t live in Illinois?  Write a letter to your own Senators here.) Congress thinks letting unlicensed foreign pharmacies dispense in Illinois is a great money-saving idea.  It’s a dangerous and foolish idea. Over 20 U.S. Senators have co-sponsored legislation that lets patients order medications from unlicensed foreign pharmacies and ship into Illinois.  Their…

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Man Pleads Guilty for Role in Conspiracy to Manufacture and Sell Counterfeit Steroids

July 26, 2017
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According to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), a Massachusetts man pleaded guilty in federal court to one count of conspiracy to traffic in counterfeit drugs and to distribute a controlled substance. Robert Medeiros, a 32-years-old from Gardner, was one of six people arrested and charged on April 12, 2017. The group is alleged to have manufactured illegal steroids from…

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Former Attorneys General of Georgia and Florida Speak Out Against Drug Importation

July 24, 2017
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The bills before Congress would remove many of the license and oversight requirements on the drugs imported into the United States by lifting those barriers, inviting an influx of bogus pharmaceutical products from the same crime rings that are selling these drugs in other countries around the world that would love better access to the U.S. market.

Law enforcement would inevitably be tasked with policing the problem, at a time when most prosecutors and law enforcement officials have their hands full with the growing opioid crisis. One of the biggest killers is fentanyl, a potent, synthetic opioid pain medication that is being laced into counterfeit pills.

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