Importing drugs to save Americans money is not a new idea. It’s something we’ve tried before, but effort after effort has shown that importing drugs manufactured and sold outside of the American regulatory system is impractical and dangerous. When Illinois set up a state-run importation program in 2004, they spent a great deal of money on inspecting pharmacies overseas but…
Read MoreThis is a reprint of an FDA Alert. FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse either the product or the company. December 3, 2015 Contact Consumers Julio Tapia (718) 415-2611 or (347) 867-9988 Firm Press…
Read MoreDr. Shepherd was interviewed on a local Austin radio station and described for listeners the realities of the counterfeit medication economy, and the dangers U.S. citizens face from imported medication. After William Scully, owner of the unlicensed pharmaceutical importer Medical Device King/Pharmalogical, was convicted on charges relating to his drug importation business, Bill Swail, host of the Austin radio program…
Read More5 Steps to Saving Money on Your Medication, Safely Rx Partnership is an innovative public/private partnership created to increase access to free prescription medications for Virginia’s vulnerable populations and serve as a resource to the organizations that support these populations. It works toward a future where every Virginian has access to the medications they need. To find a low…
Read MorePSM’s 5th annual conference was held on September 18, 2014 at the Knight Conference Center at The Newseum, 555 Pennsylvania Av., NW, Washington, D.C. View Interchange 2014 Program (PDF) The 2014 PSM Interchange brought together policymakers, pharmaceutical manufacturers, patient advocates, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, and anti-counterfeiting companies to discuss the problem and solutions to the global scourge of pharmaceutical…
Read MoreDownload a copy of this handout to share. This resource was created by a partnership of these patient-focused organizations: 1. Find out about assistance programs. Many drug companies offer qualifying patients access to low cost or free medications. Penobscot Community Health Care has a navigator program to help you fill out and complete all the paperwork. Visit any PCHC facility to signup. You can…
Read MoreDuring PSM’s 2014 Interchange, Howard Sklamberg, the FDA’s Deputy Commissioner for Global Regulatory Operations and Policy gave an overview of the FDA’s work in protecting the safe drug supply chain and of legislation enacted in 2012 and 2013.
Read MoreRecently, conversations and debate about drug importation has reached a fever pitch. Partnership For Safe Medicines’ many coalition members want Congress to know about our concerns for the safety of American patients. The secure American drug supply chain protects American consumers from dangerous counterfeit, substandard and unsafe medicines. Any effort designed to bypass FDA controls tears open the safe, closed…
Read MoreAs a coalition whose outreach and operations involve educating health care workers and patients in all fifty states, and whose membership is comprised of more than 60 organizations committed to the safety of prescription drugs and protecting U.S. consumers against counterfeit, substandard or otherwise unsafe medicines, we are deeply concerned that importation proposals will undermine America’s existing and proposed drug safety protocols.
Read MoreHear Senior Science Advisor Eric Sampson talk about the CDC Foundation’s plans to study the impact of counterfeit drugs and educate the public health community about the black market.
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