Officials of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) say Congress must provide them with more resources and authorities to ensure the safety of imported drugs. A congressional hearing Tuesday included dramatic testimony by family members of people whose deaths are thought to have been caused by contaminated doses of the medication Heparin. More from VOA's Dan Robinson on Capitol…
Read MoreIn the context of house searches in Germany, numerous drugs were confiscated and subjected to chemical analysis, including anabolic agents such as various anabolic-androgenic steroids (stanozolol, testosterone derivatives, trenbolone esters, etc.) and clenbuterol, as well as agents with anti-estrogenic activity (tamoxifen, clomiphene), drugs stimulating virility (sildenafil, tadalafil), and unlabeled plastic bags. Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with nitrogen-phosphorus…
Read MoreThe Goethe-Institut and Pedigree last week Thursday, 17th of April, 2008 launched a short film to kickstart a campaign, against the circulation of fake drugs on the Ghanaian market. The event, held at the inner court of the Goethe-Institut premises at Cantonments, attracted practitioners from the media, diplomats, representatives of civil society, notably the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG),…
Read MoreWellington – New Zealand health officials warned Thursday against buying medicines on the internet, saying subquality or counterfeit drugs for erectile dysfunction had been intercepted entering the country from India, China and Thailand. Stephen McKernan, the director general of health, issued a specific warning about four products illegally promoted in Singapore for treating erectile dysfunction that had been found to…
Read MoreFood and Drug Administration officials said yesterday they have new evidence that links hundreds of serious adverse reactions and scores of deaths among patients given the blood thinner heparin to a man-made contaminant introduced during production in China. Janet Woodcock, director of the agency's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, said that the contaminant has been traced to 12 different…
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