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Protecting Yourself and Your Family

October 25, 2007
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Patients and providers need to be on alert and aware of the real risks associated with online pharmacies and counterfeit medicines. Learn about counterfeit medicines in order to avoid, detect, and report them. You can minimize your risk of getting a counterfeit medicine, and you can also fight back by reporting these cases to the FDA, Health Canada, and other…

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Counterfeit Drugs In the News

October 25, 2007
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  New Report Warns 14 Types of Counterfeit Artesunate are Circulating in SE Asia The Wellcome Trust recently updated its report on counterfeit Artesunate, an anti-malarial medicine made by Guilin Pharma. Although Artesunate bears a hologram for security, multiple counterfeit forms of this hologram have been discovered and identified. According to the report’s author: “Although, regrettably, the counterfeiters have targeted…

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October 25, 2007
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Nigeria: Dangers of Drug Counterfeiting

October 25, 2007
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"The problem of counterfeit drugs and other regulated products is rapidly rearing its ugly head in developed countries and this is fueled by purchase of drugs via the internet. The negative impact of counterfeit drugs and other regulated products knows no boundaries. Resistant strains of micro-organisms do not need visa to travel from country to country." -Prof. Dora Akunyili Sadly,…

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Partnership for Safe Medicines Commends New Anti-Counterfeiting Agreement

October 25, 2007
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WASHINGTON, D.C. (Oct. 24, 2007) — The Partnership for Safe Medicines commends yesterday's announcement by the U.S. Trade Representative of a new six-country Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). The purpose of ACTA is to step up enforcement efforts against international counterfeiters.

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Counterfeit Drugs, Killing

October 24, 2007
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Many compelling reasons present themselves to oppose the spread of counterfeit drugs. Fakes represent theft of millions upon millions of dollars of value, undermine international protection of intellectual property, and its damage often redounds — unjustly — to pharmaceutical companies. And counterfeits kill. This article in The American, the magazine of the American Enterprise Institute, documents the death that counterfeits…

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As counterfeit medicines reach local chemists, are YOU at risk?

October 23, 2007
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Like many men suffering from erectile dysfunction, Steven didn't tell anyone about his problem. The 44-year-old financial lawyer was too embarrassed. After months of making excuses to his wife, he decided to take action. But instead of going to see his doctor, he turned to the internet. "I felt ashamed," says Steven. "I know I should have gone to see…

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Fake medicine, real problem

October 22, 2007
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Four years after the discovery of counterfeit Lipitor led to the biggest drug recall in U.S. history, the world's top pharmaceutical companies are experimenting with new technologies to battle a rising tide of phony drugs that are making their way into medicine cabinets. Fake medicines are a $32 billion global business, according to the World Health Organization, and the Food…

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Newlywed groom dies from sex drug side-effect

October 21, 2007
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LAHORE: A newlywed groom died on Sunday after taking sex drugs in the Green Town police precinct. Green Town police Sub Inspector Muhammad Ashiq said Shahbaz Ahmad (30), a resident of Green Town, got married on Thursday. During initial interrogation, he said, it was disclosed that on Saturday night Shahbaz after taking sex drugs left home for a walk, but…

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Counterfeit Drug Sales in Africa Strong, Threaten Public Health

October 20, 2007
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The World Health Organization says up to 30 percent of the medicine sold in Africa is fake. It says such drugs are readily available on street corners and even some pharmacies. Health officials say counterfeit pharmaceuticals are killing thousands and making it harder to treat infections. Phuong Tran has more from VOA's West Africa bureau in Dakar. At this market…

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