In December 2007, Akhil Bansal, an Indian physician and a graduate student at Temple University in Philadelphia, was sentenced to 30 years in prison, 5 years of supervised release and a forfeiture of $250,000 after being convicted of 2 counts of conspiracy to distribute controlled substances, 1 count of continuing criminal enterprise, 2 counts of conspiracy to introduce misbranded drugs…
Read MoreWhether it's adulterated medicine that can kill, bogus batteries that can burn or wannabe Guccis that simply wear out fast (though they may look stylish for a while), counterfeit merchandise is almost impossible to avoid. According to a recent investigation by Consumer Reports, 14,000 shipments of counterfeits were confiscated in 2006, a record year for seizures. Figures for 2007 are…
Read MoreChinese and US drug watchdogs have reached a consensus to be part of each other's inspection and investigation against counterfeits and substandard drugs, the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) said Wednesday. The first-ever Sino-US agreement on drug and medical equipment safety signed on Tuesday led to the consensus, marking a substantial step forward for the two countries in better…
Read MoreThe UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) unveiled an aggressive agenda Nov. 23 for combating the market in counterfeit medicines and medical devices. The plan targets both regulated and unregulated supply chains. The three-year anticounterfeit strategy calls for a complete assessment of current supply and distribution procedures in the UK and outlines the MHRA's approach to curbing the…
Read MoreIn February 2006, the World Health Organization launched the International Medical Products Anti-Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT) to build coordinated efforts between countries to address the great deal of harm from fake medicines around the globe.
Read MoreWESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y., Dec. 12 /PRNewswire/ — Thirty-six "rogue pharmacy" websites were listed today by Consumers should be alerted that using these websites may put their health and money at risk. These pharmacies show no evidence of being licensed and may display unauthorized or altered verification seals from and other third-parties. The list of rogue pharmacies is found…
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