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Canada House committee urges bulk drug export ban

June 3, 2005
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OTTAWA (Reuters) – Canada's parliamentary health committee, nervously eyeing U.S. legislative moves to buy cheap Canadian drugs, has called for a ban on the bulk exports of foreign-made pharmaceuticals. By Randall Palmer Fri June 3, 2005 Read the full story at

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Liang BA.* Over The Virtual and Geographic Borders: Understanding Importation and Counterfeit Drugs. Cal W Int Law J. 2005 Jun 3;36(1):7-18

June 3, 2005
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Abstract. U.S. citizens depend extensively on medicines for health and quality of life. Yet a major problem attends the drug supply: counterfeit medicines. Although currently the United States has a relatively safe, closed system, it has not been immune to counterfeits, and harm associated with counterfeits has occurred here. Further, because terrorist activities have been connected to counterfeit production, and…

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Liang BA.* International Drug Importation: Issues in Public Policy, Patient Safety, and the Public Health. Cal W Int Law J. 2005 Jun 3;36(1):1-6

June 3, 2005
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Abstract. This issue of the California Western International Law Journal memorializes the proceedings of the First Annual San Diego Health Policy Conference, International Drug Importation: Issues in Public Policy, Patient Safety, and the Public Health. Leaders from medicine, law, public policy, academia, and patient care groups gathered together on June 3-4, 2005 to discuss the issue of international drug importation…

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Herb Weisbaum: Avoid Counterfeit Mexican Drugs

June 2, 2005
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SEATTLE – No trip to Mexico would be complete without bringing back a few souvenirs. But do yourself a favor, skip the prescription drugs. By Herb Weisbaum June 2, 2005 Read the full story at

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Official: Proposed regulations may hamstring licensing process for Canadian pharmacies

June 2, 2005
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PROVIDENCE — If new regulations proposed for licensing pharmacies from Canada to sell drugs in Rhode Island are approved, a top Health Department official said Wednesday, "I would be very surprised to see anyone from Canada get licensed. Jim Baron 06/02/2005 Read the full story at

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From a strip joint to CVS: Bogus drugs threaten health

May 31, 2005
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After undergoing a liver transplant in 2001, New York teen Tim Fagan was given a prescription for Epogen, a drug to combat anemia. But each time his parents injected him, he would scream in agony from crippling spasms. His physicians were baffled. USA Today May 31, 2005 Read the full story at

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SupplyScape and Unisys Pilot Pharmaceutical Industry’s First Electronic Pedigree System for Commercial Drugs

May 31, 2005
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Unisys Corporation (NYSE:UIS) and SupplyScape Corporation today announced an innovative pilot, which will be the first step to help secure the flow of prescription medicines from factory to pharmacy counter. The companies anticipate that the project will lead to the establishment of a national standard tracking system, which could help increase consumer safety and stem pharmaceutical companies' growing losses from…

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Perry gets Canadian drug bill

May 30, 2005
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AUSTIN – A bill that would set up a state-run Web site to help Texans buy cheaper prescription drugs from Canada is headed to Gov. Rick Perry's desk. The Associated Press Posted on Mon, May. 30, 2005 Read the full story at

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CVS takes step to keep fake drugs off shelves

May 26, 2005
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CVS Corp. said yesterday it would stop buying drugs from wholesalers that use middlemen in an effort to crack down on counterfeits infecting the drug supply. By Jenn Abelson, Globe Staff May 25, 2005 Read the full story at boston .com.

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Governor may veto ‘I-didn’t-know’ bill

May 26, 2005
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TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Jeb Bush said Tuesday he may veto a bill that would let doctors facing discipline for using dangerous, unapproved drugs in their practices argue they trusted a manufacturer or supplier who said nothing about them being unsafe. By DAVID ROYSE, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS May 25. 2005 Read the full story at

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