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A turning tide

January 5, 2005
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Pressure from US drug companies and more recently President Bush is causing the pendulum to swing against importation of Canadian prescription drugs. By Christopher Rowland, Globe Staff January 5, 2005 Read the full story at

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Canada considering plan to stop Internet, mail-order drug sales to Americans

January 5, 2005
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CHICAGO – (KRT) – Citing an increased U.S. demand that threatens to pinch Canadian drug supplies, health officials in that country are considering a plan to shut down cross-border prescription sales to Americans over the Internet and through the mail. BY JOHN CHASE, Chicago Tribune Posted on Wed, Jan. 05, 2005 Read the full story at

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Importing failure

January 3, 2005
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George Santayana observed that "Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim." What else can explain the feverish insistence of the supporters of drug importation to press on in the face of a comprehensive and well-documented report that concludes that importation of medicines from price controlled countries is not only a form of price controls, but…

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Consumers Support Importation to Force Down Drug Costs, But They’re Not Bringing Price Complaints to Their Doctors, According to New NOP World Health Research

January 3, 2005
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EAST HANOVER, N.J., Jan. 3 /PRNewswire/ — The vast majority of consumers support allowing Americans to purchase drugs from outside the US, believing importation will force down the costs of their medications, according to new NOP World Health research. An overwhelming 9 out of 10 Americans believe that healthcare costs have worsened over the past 5 years — a significant…

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The Good News and Bad News About Lowering Prescription Drug Costs

January 3, 2005
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For many Americans who rely on expensive prescription medications and have pinned their hopes on a movement to allow the importation of foreign drugs, two major recent federal studies brought both good news and bad news. Jon Kyl, January 3, 2005 Read the full story at

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Drug import plan sags

January 3, 2005
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Supporters of importing prescription drugs – 2004's magic elixir for soaring drug costs – are suffering unpleasant side effects as the new year dawns: Their idea is looking like a mild palliative at best. Mon, Jan 03, 2005 Read the full story at

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Pinching pennies may hurt health

January 3, 2005
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Arnoldo Garcia, 79, saves a pretty penny when he purchases prescription drugs for himself and his wife. For his money, he can't beat the convenience and the savings of his favorite pharmacy, which is in Canada. By icess fernandez Caller-Times January 3, 2005 Read the full story at

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R.I. to Allow Residents to Import Drugs

January 2, 2005
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Rhode Island has become what is believed to be the first state in the nation to approve regulations that allow its residents to import cheaper prescription drugs from Canada. 01-02-05 Read the full story at

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What’s Next for States Rx

January 2, 2005
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A state-sponsored Web page that offers links to Canadian pharmacies had more than 18,000 visits in the months following its inception last year. By ALBERT McKEON, Telegraph Staff Published: Sunday, Jan. 2, 2005 Read the full story at

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Countering Counterfeits

January 2, 2005
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The bottle of Pfizer's Lipitor cholesterol drug looked legitimate. At least to the average eye. But to those who work in Pfizer Inc.'s forensics laboratory in Groton, it was anything but. By ANTHONY CRONIN, Day Staff Writer Published on 1/2/2005 Read the full story at

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