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PSM responds to AMA resolution #129 (A-19) on Mexico drug importation – June 9, 2019

June 10, 2019
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Recently the Partnership for Safe Medicines learned of and responded to a proposed resolution for the American Medical Association’s House of Delegates regarding importation of medicine from the Mexican drug supply and PSM’s response. Resolution a19-r129 Benefits of Importation of Pharmaceuticals PSM Response to AMA Resolution_ 129 (importing prescription drugs from Mexico)

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Feds Shut Down a Fake Dietary Supplement Maker as CVS Pharmacy Begins Testing All Dietary Supplements it Sells

June 5, 2019
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Three Los Angeles-based companies, and five individual defendants have proffered guilty pleas on charges that they were making and distributing herbal supplements containing dangerous levels of prescription pharmaceuticals.

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Tom Kubic, leading expert in counterfeit medicines re-joins the board of the Partnership for Safe Medicines

June 4, 2019
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“I’m pleased to re-join the Partnership for Safe Medicines’ Board of Directors at a time when factual information concerning the risks posed by medicines reaching unsuspecting Americans is critically needed” said Tom.

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Former DEA Agent on how drug importation will exacerbate the opioid crisis

May 31, 2019
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Former DEA agent Doug Herber wrote this editorial, which was published on May 31, 2019 in the White Mountain Independent. In it, he writes that drug importation will cause “patients [to] unwittingly purchase foreign counterfeit drugs disguised as low-level medication, unaware of the dangers, end up as an overdose statistic. “

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U.S. Department of Treasury Announces Sanctions Against Argentina-Based Fake Online Pharmacy

May 30, 2019
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According to the Department of the Treasury’s Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Sigal Mandelker, “The Goldpharma network illustrates the sophisticated tactics drug traffickers and money launderers use to capitalize on the Internet and online pharmacy sites to sell highly addictive illicit narcotics around the world.”

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Former State Pharmacy Board Presidents Warn That Drug Importation Won’t Keep Costs Down

May 30, 2019
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This editorial by Holly Strom and Kenneth Schell published in U.S. News and World Report on May 28, 2019 warns states considering drug importation that doing so will not keep costs down and also poses a safety risk to patients…

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Florida Agency for Health Care Administration releases Request for Information for Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program

May 29, 2019
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Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration released a Request for Information for a Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Program. It specifically asked “The Agency is seeking information from entities with direct experience in coordinating all aspects of Canadian prescription drug importation. ” Responses are due June 25, 2019. Read the RFI

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Map of Florida with a pill bottle displaying a maple leaf. As it peels away, the label shows a poison symbol

Drug importation in Florida

May 29, 2019

Drug Importation in Florida: An Overview Current status: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Florida’s Application to Import Prescription Drugs from Canada on January 5, 2023. Florida submitted its first application to HHS for permission to run a Canadian importation program in November 2020. After several amendments the FDA approved the program. (Read the FDA approval letter and the…

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Six People in Georgia Have Been Indicted For Manufacturing and Selling Counterfeit Xanax and Fentanyl Pills

May 28, 2019
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A group of six people, five men and one woman all in their early twenties have been indicted on federal charges that they were using industrial pill presses to make counterfeit Xanax and fentanyl/carfentanil pills. They are also accused of selling the fake pills throughout Georgia via the Internet.

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ACTION: Speak up in Connecticut for safety

May 23, 2019

What’s happening now? In an effort to try and reduce health care costs, the Governor and members of the Connecticut legislature have proposed a broad array of proposals to reduce the cost of health care for Connecticut residents.  While PSM applauds efforts to reduce the cost of healthcare, proposals that circumvent the FDA and state board of pharmacy regulated supply…

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