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ACTION: Speak up for safety in Colorado

April 11, 2019

What’s happening? The Colorado legislature is working through proposals to lower healthcare costs which is important, as healthcare costs are a challenge to many Colorado residents of all kinds. Of the thirteen proposals being discussed, one of them sacrifices safety to achieve cost savings: foreign drug importation. This proposal opens up Colorado to the risk of counterfeits which are a…

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U.S. FDA Issued Warning Letters About Misbranded Mifepristone And Misoprostol

April 11, 2019
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In March 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters to a website and an online pharmacy network for selling misbranded mifepristone and misoprostol

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Drug importation makes law enforcement’s job harder, says former FDA-OCI director

April 11, 2019
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In this editorial, which was published in The Gadsden Times on April 11, 2019, former FDA-OCI director George Karavetsos points out the real dangers of drug importation:

“Even today, Americans are being hurt and even dying because of counterfeit medications being imported into this country. Adding insult to injury, while some might point to Canada as being a safe source, counterfeit medications are transshipped through Canada from other countries in remote corners of the globe.”

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April 10, 2019

Chamber of Commerce Letter to US Senate

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North Carolina Man Who Imported Counterfeit Xanax from Canada Sentenced to 2 Extra Days in Prison in Sled Border-Crossing Case

April 10, 2019
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The News and Record has reported about a North Carolina resident, Yazid Al Fayyad Finn, who was arrested in 2018 for his part in a plot to steal a 200 pound shipment of counterfeit Xanax that was being smuggled across the Quebec-Vermont border.

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April 9, 2019
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ACTION: Tell your elected official at every level that only FDA-approved medications are safe for Americans.

April 9, 2019

Learn more about why importation is unsafe Seven states, including Maine, Illinois, and Minnesota, have experimented with importation. All those programs were unsafe and are no longer in operation today. Deadly counterfeit pills made with fentanyl have been found in 48 U.S. states, killing people in over 33 states. Canadians and healthcare advocates on both sides of the US-Canada border…

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PRESS RELEASE: Over 100 Organizations Representing Law Enforcement Officers, Healthcare Professionals, Patient Advocates Urge White House and Congress to Reject Prescription Drug Importation

April 9, 2019
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WASHINGTON (April 8, 2019) – As members of Congress and leaders in the executive branch consider steps to allow wholesale importation of prescription medications, organizations representing consumers, employers, healthcare professionals, patients, and law enforcement officers, among others, are insisting that such proposals, if implemented, would endanger the health and safety of the communities throughout the country…

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Over 100 advocacy organizations urge WH and Congress not to endanger Americans with importation of non-FDA approved drugs

April 9, 2019
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Dear President Donald J. Trump, members of the United States Senate, and members of the United States House of Representatives:

As organizations that represent thousands of law enforcement, healthcare professionals, patient advocates, taxpayer organizations, business groups, and consumer interest groups, we are writing to express our deep concerns with and opposition to proposals to import non-FDA-approved medications that would endanger the health and safety of our communities…

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Thumbnail for 46 states report

April 8, 2019
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Deadly fake pills made with fentanyl found in 46 states

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