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PSM Executive Director and Carrie Luther in Tennessee to share the story of deadly fentanyl pills

August 24, 2018
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Carrie Luther, who lost her son to counterfeit Xanax made with fentanyl three years ago, travelled to Tennessee with Partnership for Safe Medicines Executive Director Shabbir Safdar to share her story with the Healthy Tennessee Opioid Summit.

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August 24, 2018
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Read More Educates Consumers On Prescription Drug Safety

August 24, 2018
Posted in ,, a website launched by the Center for Safe Internet Pharmacies (CSIP) and the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, is a new resource that Americans can use to educate themselves on prescription drug safety and the opioid crisis. On the website, you will find the Verify Before You Buy tool and learn how to safely store and dispose medicines along with many other important topics…

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August 24, 2018
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Drug Importation is Fraught with Peril

August 23, 2018
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As a licensed pharmacist, I’m all too familiar with patients’ difficulties getting medications they need and their physician has prescribed. As baby boomers age, pharmacists see more patients at our counters unable to obtain needed treatments for heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses. This issue is now being acknowledged and a healthy debate has begun over possible solutions. But one idea policymakers shouldn’t pursue is opening up our country’s secure drug supply to medicines coming from outside our borders.

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Counterfeit Fentanyl Pill Killed Young Man In Utah – Three Men Charged

August 23, 2018
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The U.S. Department of Justice indicted three men in Utah for the death of Jaydon Rogers earlier this year. Adam Patrick Hemmelgarn, Tyler Jabbar Perry, and Christian Scott Jimerson allegedly sold the counterfeit fentanyl pill to Rogers who was found unresponsive and died two days later at the hospital…

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August 23, 2018
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August 23, 2018
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Counterfeit Prescription Pills

August 23, 2018
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August 22, 2018
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