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February 5, 2024

FDA warned consumers not to purchase or use South Moon, Rebright or FivFivGo eye drops because of the potential risk of eye infection.

These are copycat eye drop products that consumers can easily mistake for Bausch + Lomb’s Lumify brand eye drops, an over-the-counter product approved for redness relief.

February 2024

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Are below cost reimbursement practices by Pharmacy Benefit Managers creating opportunity for criminals to enter the legitimate supply chain?

February 5, 2024
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PBMs, by under reimbursing pharmacies, are creating a demand for pharmacies to seek lower priced medications even when they can’t exist at that price.. Criminals appear to be happy to become part of the supply chain.

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Settlement between eBay and the Justice Department over pill press regulation, January 31, 2024

February 2, 2024
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February 2, 2024

screenshot of law enforcement webinar

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Has any state tried Canadian drug importation? How did it work for them?

February 2, 2024
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The state of Maine opened it’s border to Canadian drug importation program for Maine residents. Dr. Kenneth McCall purchased and tested some of the medicines being advertised and sold to Maine residents and found them lacking in safety. Listen to his story.

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The threat and enforcement challenges of counterfeit medicines

February 2, 2024
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PSM’s Shabbir Imber Safdar sat down with three law enforcement experts about the problems they are seeing with counterfeit medicine. Watch here.

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pill mold thumbnail

February 1, 2024
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Explainer: eBay and the Department of Justice settle over pill press sales

February 1, 2024
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An explainer for the $59mm settlement between eBay and the Department of Justice over pill press sales. What does this mean for the problem of illegal pill presses? How is eBay responsible for what a buyer and a seller do on its platform?

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ebay settlement thumbnail

February 1, 2024

image of the first of eBay’s settlement over failing to document pill press sales

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pill mold for sale (1)

February 1, 2024

Screenshot of website selling pill molds (PSM)

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