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Florida v FDA Second status report

October 25, 2023

Oct. 20, 2023 Status report from the Government

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October 24, 2023
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Map of Florida with a pill bottle displaying a maple leaf. As it peels away, the label shows a poison symbol

Decision on Florida’s importation program delayed

October 24, 2023
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A delay in Florida’s response to FDA questions means the agency’s decision won’t be by October 31 after all.

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October 24, 2023
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Google search results for retatrutide

October 23, 2023: Even drugs in development are at risk for counterfeiting

October 23, 2023
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Sketchy online vendors are selling “retatrutide” even though it’s still in clinical trials. A man who sold U.S. pharmacies secondhand prescription medicines was sentenced. Domestic and international stories about fake drugs.

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October 23, 2023
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USA v Gonzales, et al

October 23, 2023
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October 23, 2023
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October 23, 2023

October 2023 sponsored search results show how readily vendors will sell “research” versions of the drug.

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BootlegPillFactories-5-10-thumb (1)

October 23, 2023
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