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The medicines that could kill millions

September 8, 2006
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Imagine the outcry if 500 people in a developed country such as the US or UK died after being given a fake medicine. Then consider that in the early 1990s a similar number of children died of kidney failure in India, Haiti, Bangladesh and Nigeria after taking fake paracetamol syrup contaminated with a toxic solvent. Barely anyone noticed bar their…

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Counterfeiting of medicines: MEPs want improved access to affordable medicines

September 8, 2006
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In adopting a resolution on the counterfeiting of medicinal products, MEPs consider that the European Community should equip itself as a matter of urgency with the means to combat effectively illicit practices in the area of piracy and the counterfeiting of medicines. The House calls on the EU to take steps to strengthen the regulatory and quality-control capacity for medicinal…

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Contrefaon mdicamenteuse : un commerce mortel !

September 8, 2006
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Thai Officials Worried about Counterfeit Malaria Drugs

September 7, 2006
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Thai health officials have expressed concern over counterfeit or expired malaria drugs discovered along the Thai-Burmese border that could potentially create more resistant strains of the disease. Dr Prat Bunyawongvirot, permanent secretary of the Ministry of Public Health, said during a regional health meeting on Tuesday that malaria is still a major problem in tropical countries, and the counterfeit or…

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September 7, 2006
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Fake foreign drugs detected in Vietnam

September 7, 2006
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The fake medicines violate numerous drug regulations and standards with false VDA content declarations, bacterial contaminations, inconsistent dissolutions of medicines, incorrect weights and textures of drugs as well as improper mixing of eastern and western medicines. 07 September 2006 Read the full story at

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September 6, 2006
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Houston man pleads guilty in fake vaccine scheme

September 6, 2006
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The owner of a Houston home health-care business pleaded guilty today to federal charges accusing him of selling fake flu vaccine that was injected into nursing home residents and 1,100 Exxon Mobil employees. Iyad Abu El Hawa, 36, admitted that he purchased thousands of syringes and needles from an out-of-state company with the unauthorized use of a doctor's name. By…

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Is Hezbollah cashing in on Viagra and vice?

September 5, 2006
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Drug Piracy: A Wave of Counterfeit Medicines Washes Over Russia

September 5, 2006
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