More Charges in Utah-Based Counterfeit Pills Case

An additional individual has been charged for his role in the Pharma-Master counterfeit fentanyl pill ring allegedly run by Utah-resident Aaron Shamo. Jonathan Luke Paz received four charges in federal court…



Counterfeit Medicines Takes Lives in Utah Download our January 2021 PDF Download our information sheet about counterfeit drug activity in Utah and consult the updates below. State incident summaries January – December 2022 Counterfeit News in UtahInvestigators find man trafficking 12,000 fentanyl pills through Salt Lake ValleyJanuary 17, 2025Group in court after trafficking large amounts…


Case Updates From Two Major Fentanyl Drug Rings Out Of Texas and Utah

Short updates on two major fentanyl counterfeit pill ring cases. One case in Texas looks to have one of the fourteen defendants taking a plea while the second case in Utah sees a jury trial date set for Aaron Shamo, the alleged drug ring leader that shipped counterfeit pills containing fentanyl all across the U.S…


Academic warns that importation may expose Utah residents to dangerous counterfeit drugs

In this editorial, which was published in the Deseret News on February 11, 2018, economics professor Dr. Kristina Acri warns that drug importation will expose Utahns to dangerous counterfeit drugs.

“After more than two decades of studying the economic and health impacts of drug importation,” she writes. “the verdict on bringing drugs in from Canada is clear and consistent: It’s a risky gamble and one too dangerous to take. Experts know that preventing the introduction of dangerous counterfeit medicines cannot be guaranteed.”


The Drug Counterfeiters Next Door: Fentanyl-laced Oxycodone Pills Distributed from Utah Suburb

A Utah man and five friends are facing federal drug trafficking, drug counterfeiting, mail and wire-fraud charges for allegedly distributing hundreds of thousands of counterfeit prescription medications laced with fentanyl, a Department of Justice (DOJ) press release reports. The DOJ alleges that Aaron Michael Shamo and his co-conspirators turned his suburban Cottonwood Heights home into…


U.S. Doctors Prosecuted for Buying Fake Cancer Medication from CanadaDrugs

The 2012 fake Avastin warnings were just the tip of the iceberg for what is now unfolding into one of the most convoluted counterfeit medication incidents that has ever been uncovered. The supply of fake cancer medication has been traced to Internet pharmacy giant CanadaDrugs and in the last year, 4 doctors have been prosecuted…
